Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

Anti-Russian Anticyclone

Who ordered the deadly summer?

Nicolai Levashov’s interview for the newspaperThe President

Tatiana Aliokhina
Translation: Elena Lyubimova

The infernal heat, fires and smog of summer 2010 in Russia were more like that of a huge crematorium gas chamber than a unique natural disaster when the temperature broke all records. How can the apocalyptic summer weather of 2010 be explained?

A bit of history

In 1977 the UN adopted the convention on the prohibition of "environmental warfare" using means which would impact on the environment, and artificial stimulation to effect climate change. The USSR and USA also concluded an agreement to cease development in this area but they nonetheless continued under the guise of scientific research.

Recently declassified documents show that even in the seventies the USA and USSR entered into an unprecedented climate control arms race. Documents of the National Archives of the British government show that in the seventies both superpowers seriously suspected each other of preparing for "climate war" and both had secret military programs to control the global climate. Weather forecasting became an integral part of the secret services according to Leo Carlin, the Rector of the Hydro-meteorological University. So, economic droughts and political floods may well become part of the weather forecasts in the 21st century. The climate becomes an economic and national security field and "climate weapons" the most guarded state secret.

The United States made the first attempts in this area during the Vietnam War when they sprayed silver iodide into clouds which caused tropical rains that destroyed crops and eroded the Ho Chi Minh trail which the Vietnamese guerrillas used to transport weapons and ammunition. Precipitation was increased threefold. After the application of the Vietnam War "climate" operation codenamed Project Popeye officials explained this phenomenon as natural causes–there being a probability of heavy rains in the region.

In 2001 The US President reported that Alaska had successfully conducted an ionospheric experiment, but the Pentagon said that by 2025 the US will have learned to fully control the weather and effect climate change in any battle area to suppress resistance. There is a very unusual object in Alaska. It has 360 microwave frequency antennae and can influence the ionosphere forming artificial plasmoids in it and change the weather on the planet. Professor of St. Petersburg University, Andrew Vassoyevich believes that the system is capable of covering nearly the whole territory of Russia. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a military system (deployed in Gakona, Alaska) which emits powerful radio waves into the upper atmosphere causing weather anomalies.

Michel Chosudovsky, an economics professor at Ottawa University (Canada), studying the official documents of the War Department on a program of HAARP wrote: "There are unequivocal statements by the US Air Force that climate change technology has already been worked out. To affirm that the system has some non-military use is to sin against the truth. I do not think it can be used for peaceful purposes. It is a weapon of mass destruction capable of causing serious climate change. The special elegance of the project is that the enemy might not guess that weapons had been used against him. In my opinion this is an eloquent violation of the UN convention."

Climate weapons are a huge threat to the whole of humanity because they possess a vast energy potential the use of which may have unpredictable catastrophic consequences. For the sake of comparison: the usual atmospheric cyclone, which in nature is constantly moving, has enormous energy potential comparable with dozens of atomic and hydrogen bombs.

"It’s time for people to pay attention to these weapons and not only focus on global warming" adds Chosudovsky, "Both things are a serious threat."

Today we offer the interview with Russian radio physicist and Academician Nicolai Levashov to our readers. He will share his vision of the events that happened this summer in Russia.

Under an ionic lens

The subject of our conversation is the so-called natural anomalies and cataclysms which took place this summer in our country. 2010 has already been called the most terrible year. People are frightened and eager to know what fate humanity may expect in the future. The scale of the natural cataclysms which have been happening all over the world is unprecedented. Russian scientists and meteorologists, based on a one hundred and thirty year history of watching the weather and five millennia records and evidence from different historical sources, testify that nothing like that was ever observed in Russia.

– The point is that nothing of the kind ever could have been, because what is happening now, at least in Russia, is a consequence of the simultaneous application of a geophysical and a climate weapon. As for me, I observe this kind of thing for the first time. The Americans have used a climate weapon several times. In particular, they applied it against Europe in 2003 when artificial extremely hot weather was created in France, for example, and other European countries to force them to buy genetically modified food produced in the USA. As is generally known, Europe sticks to a strict position of consuming organic food. That will be very unprofitable for the USA which longs to control everything, including everybody’s "daily bread," and want everything dependant on their will and desire.

By the way, genetically modified food influences the reproductive functions of an organism. The research has proved that people will become sterile in the second or third generation if they regularly eat this kind of food. In other words, there is no need to unleash any war in order to force people to die out. For some reason the white race, the lowest in population, is the principal target here. In 2003, when the climate weapon was used against Europe (for example, France and Spain) the temperature in August was more than 60° Celsius in some regions! Many people died then. When the cause of that was determined and the weapon destroyed, the temperature sharply decreased to normal and it began to rain. Later some news-flashes in the mass media reported that the ozone hole over Europe had disappeared.

On its own?

– The climate weapon is a very primitive but reliable instrument. It seems to be something very complex, but in fact it is a simple system which, as generally known, was developed in the Soviet Union too. However, when the USSR fell, several scientists were enticed to the USA where favourable conditions were created for them and they completed the research which they had begun in the USSR. Ground stations and aerial fields which can produce powerful radiation have been created in Alaska, Greenland and Norway. Also, the satellites, which are in synchronous orbits providing TV broadcasting, telephone and other communications, can carry military equipment too.

A satellite is in a synchronous orbit when the speed of its rotation coincides with the speed of rotation of the Earth, thus the satellites are as if suspended motionless above a certain point of the earth’s surface. Exactly this kind of satellite has transmitting-receiving aerials of low power because they get power from Earth in order to manage the microwave radiation. The satellites direct a powerful radiation to the area of the Earth, which those who coordinate this kind of action choose, from ground stations in Alaska, Norway or Greenland in order to create an ionic lens in the place indicated.

And what is an ionic lens? When these satellites send radiation, they simultaneously re-emit them inter se. Thus, a superposition of many radiations from many satellites occurs and forms a standing wave in the necessary place and of the necessary volume. The wave is pumped to such a level that ionizing of the upper atmospheric levels, where ozone is and where the satellites move, occurs. The protective layer disappears; then ions which do not protect the surface of the Earth anymore appear, and a powerful stream of space radiation, including the hazardous gamma radiation starts pouring onto the Earth through this hole. It is obvious when such a "window" opens everything on the surface will be burnt; which was observed in 2003 in France, Spain and other countries of Western Europe. When the satellite equipment responsible for that atrocity was destroyed, the infernal heat ceased at once and everything returned to the norm. It rained often the following years in August, which never happened before, and the temperature was from 20 to 25 degrees.

Is the current situation in Russia of the same kind?

– This summer we had the same thing in Russia, however, it was the worst version. Why? First, an enormous ionic lens was created over the East European plain, and scientists have confirmed it, issuing data that the ozone layer had decreased by 43% in this area! Simply speaking, an enormous ozone hole appeared there. Heat does not make ozone holes; they appear in the upper layers of the atmosphere where the temperature is very low, therefore the high temperature and hot summer have never caused the decreasing of the ozone layer thickness and the appearance of a hole.

This anomaly is obviously of artificial origin. Besides, an ozone hole cannot appear at all over the territory of the East European plain for many reasons which we will not discuss now. In addition to a powerful ionic lens and strong ultraviolet and hard radiation from space pouring down on the unprotected area, the so-called geophysical weapon was applied. The effect of this one is that the heat does not come from above, but from below. In other words, certain technologies, which I will not specify now, influence the thermal conductivity of the Earth’s crust, the result being that it warms from the inside. It is known that the crust there is very thin.

It fries from below; it burns from above

This is a very interesting moment. Can you dwell on this? There is a common opinion that there are neither abilities nor forces that can do such things.

– If people only knew what really happened on Earth for the last 20,000 years and still happens, they would revise many of the absurd dogmas which have been hammered into their heads, they don’t even know why… Well, I will finish the explanation about the warming-up of the planet from inside. The essence of the geophysical weapon is the following: the earth's crust is not the most vulnerable place; on the contrary, it is the most reliable one. However, as generally known, there is burning hot magma under it. The lowest layers of the crust, which directly contact the magma, although having low thermal conductivity, nevertheless, get hot all the same which results in weak warming-up of the surface. If the thermal conductivity of the low layers of the earth's crust increases, then the magma will start acting like a hot frying pan and strongly heat the upper layers of the crust. It certainly will not happen as sharply as on a real frying pan – the oil will not sizzle – nevertheless, the heat in the upper layers of the crust will be quite noticeable. The so-called burning hot frying pan effect occurs.

So, what do we have? We have two burning systems – from above and from the inside of the earth.

When the climate weapon was eliminated the temperature balance was restored very quickly, but the "hot frying pan" –the heated earth's crust–cannot cool quickly even after normal thermal conductivity has been restored. Thus, these two systems of heating create something like a thermal trap for an anticyclone. When it came to our territory, it got into this trap and stopped there. It stood still, moving nowhere for one and a half months! This kind of thing can never happen in nature. An anticyclone cannot stay in one place motionless for one and a half months.

That cannot be a natural phenomenon. In Nature always something happens: some processes, change of pressure, motions of air masses, etc. At the very best, the anticyclone could stand still for just a few days. The cyclone over Russia began to move only when the climate and geophysical weapon was destroyed. The climate weapon was destroyed on July 20. After that it began to rain all over Europe and the temperature returned to normal. As you remember, July in Europe also was very hot; the temperature reached 40-45°C and there was not a single drop of rain. After July 20 it began to rain both in Europe and Russia almost within few hours after the climate weapon was destroyed.

But then the heat came back?

– No, it did not; it continued raining. However, only when the geophysical weapon was destroyed on July 22, did the anticyclone begin to move. In fact, it was raining from July 20 almost regularly here and there, both in Moscow and the regions. At least, in Siberia, where there was extremely hot weather too, it began to rain at once and there was a quick sharp drop in temperature – from 40°C to 20-22°C! However, the "hot frying pan" could not cool instantly on the East European plain, where we are, even when the anticyclone moved and it began to rain. On July 24 I had my regular monthly meeting with my readers in Moscow, where I informed them that the climate and geophysical weapons were destroyed on July 20 and 22. After that I received a message that near Samara several lakes had disappeared through cracks at the bottom within several hours.

You see, normally if the heat is strong, lakes can evaporate becoming shallower, whereupon cracks appear in the dirt on the bottom as the lake gradually dries out. But in this case the lakes were not dried up; they were full of water and when they went underground, huge cracks were discovered on the bottom. It turns out that the cracks appeared at the bottom under water, which could not have happened because of hot air, but because of hot soil, in other words the earth’s crust. There were several reports like this.

The most interesting thing in this story is that the heat lasted one and a half months and there was not a drop of rain. Nevertheless, there was not a single fire then, although the temperature was high and everything had dried out. However, as soon as the climate and geophysical weapon was destroyed and it began to rain, quite suddenly fires seized the region, the cause was arson.

The question is: why were there none before? Do you remember the situation in 2002 when the peat bogs around Moscow burned and trucks with soldiers fell underground because the peat burned from within and the smouldering fire flared and burned down everything?

Certainly, everybody remembers that. By the way, the temperature in the Orlovskaya region was 40-45°C all this time and there was not a single fire! The same situation was observed in the Tambov region.

– Then the temperature was 30-35°C, no more, and now the average temperature was 35°C, but there were no fires whatsoever till the twenties of July! Only when the climate and geophysical weapons were destroyed did Russia begin to burn. Does not that seem strange? The fires often appeared in places which someone had their eye on; they needed these areas for one or another reason. Someone wanted to clear the land for their own aims. There was this kind of arson, sure, but the majority of arson attacks happened near military strategic objects where the shells were stored. They were taken out allegedly to prevent the explosions, but who removed them, where to and why, who knows. Also some research-and-industrial centres which developed and produced the latest weapons for the Russian Army were burned.

The fire hazard continued to threaten nuclear centres in Sarov and Sneginsk. Who would turn this to their own advantage, if these nuclear centres appeared surrounded by fire?

– Well, who do you think?

But then it would affect all!

– They do not think about that. I believe it is advantageous, first of all, to the USA – I do not see any other beneficiaries. Because only they would benefit from the weapon which we discuss now and they have it.

You are absolutely right in saying that this type of weapon was developed in the USA and the USSR almost simultaneously. You are also right about our researchers and scientists, which worked in this field, and appeared in the USA for one or another reason. It has become obvious that the weather can be influenced. We have already been accustomed to such things when Mr. Luzhkov (the Mayor of Moscow – E.L) disperses clouds over Moscow before parades or other multitudinous public gatherings. It has already become an ordinary thing. The question is, if we have scientists who are able to understand what happens, then why were there no statements on this subject and why were no actions which would neutralize such anomalies taken? What is it? Has someone declared war against Russia?

– War was declared a long time ago.

Hurricanes and fire hit hard at the crop

If the climate and geophysical weapons had not been destroyed, as you say, what outcome would have been expected?

– I think they wanted Russia forced to its knees. They planned to burn out the crop and oblige Russia to buy their genetically-modified grain. This is a genetic weapon. There were talks about purchasing 15 million tons of this kind of grain in the USA. Vladimir Putin carried out a very correct policy here abolishing the export of Russian grain and saying that first we should solve our own problems.

Recently there was an international meeting at the Corn-Exchange in Paris where the growth of the price of corn was discussed. There is an interesting fact, since you mentioned 2002 when peat bogs burned and the situation was very like we have now. There was a lot of information about the Soviet Union buying wheat in the USA.

– I cannot say anything about 2002. The full situation should be analyzed.

Why did we react so slowly and clumsily, as if stricken by paralysis, this summer?

– Can you do much, if, for example, an A-bomb has been already dropped? I mean by ordinary means.

I see. It turns out that we were presented with a fait accompli.

– Regrettably, military technologies, including the climatic armament, can do nothing but harm. One can drop a bomb or something of the kind or create and use a climate weapon which would have devastating consequences, but when the action is fulfilled, they are unable to do anything about it. I will give an example to make my idea clear. In February, 2009 the Americans created powerful hurricanes directing them to Western Europe, to France in particular. Several satellites which were part of the hurricane system were destroyed. Do you remember the information that flashed in the mass media about a falling burning satellite which collided with the Russian one? Well, a powerful hurricane artificially created by the USA headed for Europe from the west, from the Atlantic Ocean. When the satellites were destroyed, those who destroyed them turned the hurricane and it went to the US. It was the first time in the history of the USA that a hurricane hit the Eastern coast in February. If they could have done anything about it, they certainly would, but they could not.

Why do they do that without understanding the consequences?

– They think that they can play dirty tricks without being caught and punished. They have that perverted logic: if a neighbour suffers, we feel good. They always had such distorted principles.

The peat bogs are burning. The air is heavily contaminated and full of combustion products and dregs and other impurities. Nobody has studied that yet and it is unknown how it can affect people. Children, pregnant women or sick people breathe this pollution. It is known that tiny soot particles may be accumulated in lungs and nothing can eliminate them from there. What will happen to Muscovites and visitors to Moscow, including diplomatic corps, foreign representatives and foreign tourists?

– I believe that this filth will finally come out of lungs with the phlegm over the course of time. Those who carried out all this did not think about the health of people. Do you think that they cared about what would happen to people?

But this is the most real genocide done before the very eyes of the whole world!

– Do you think it began to happen only today?

… and reap the whirlwind

I can hardly understand this kind of thing. These games with the weather taking place on a little globe where we all live. It is possible, of course, to block an anticyclone and the ash over Moscow and Russia for some time, but sooner or later the wind will scatter it all over the world. Where is the logic in their actions? If everything is like you say, then, probably, genetically modified wheat is not the only main aim? How long did they think to hold the anticyclone and the critical ecological situation in Moscow and Russia?

– I cannot know their plans in detail, but I have no doubt that they planned to hold this situation longer: to burn out everything and convert the East European plain into a desert with all effluent consequences. What you say about harmful dregs, there is some truth in that, but the human lungs will clear up through mucus and remove toxins, not as quickly as one would wish, but eventually it will happen. Even the lungs of smokers who stop smoking clear up over the course of time.

The death rate in Moscow sharply increased in this period, but the pall of smoke was not less in the fire area of two dozen regions. According to today’s official statistical data, one hundred people died in the fire; we have no alternative data. What is more harmful: smoke or heat?

– The mass deaths in Moscow did not happen because of lung congestion. In most cases it was caused by heat stroke, because far from all old people with a weak heart and vascular disease could endure this kind of heat and sultry air; the red-hot walls converted the houses into saunas with no relief even at night.

So, people were unprepared for that sort of thing.

– Sure. Old and sick people could not endure it. Even a completely healthy person can suffer a powerful heat stroke with deplorable consequences, if being exposed to the sun for a long time without drinking sufficient water.

I experienced this myself, when I got stuck in a traffic jam in a car without a conditioner. We went through the tunnel on New Riga, where there was no ventilation and I got heat stroke.

– Therefore even a healthy person can die of heat stroke, if he or she fails to get sufficient liquid and cooling, let alone the weak organism of old people who live on medications. Certainly, this terrible overheating was fatal for them. The same thing happened in Europe in 2003.

According to some data 15 000 persons died from heat in France then.

– In 2003 the temperature reached 60°C in some regions of France! When the climate weapon was destroyed, it quickly went down to 25°C and it began to rain.

– Why has Europe become a target together with Russia?

– I believe it is not an accident that such actions were undertaken against Russia and partly against Europe in 2010. According to the predictions of a world-known American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, who read the information from the future and wrote down about 150 000 predictions which all came true, exactly in 2010 Russia will rise to a fundamentally new level. A new society will be created there with a dramatically new approach to nature and the world. Russia will be a world leader and no country could overtake it; the whole world will follow. Finally, it will take the place which it should have occupied long ago. It is highly likely that the weather attack may relate to this moment, because the Americans read Cayce, I hope, and perfectly know that if 150 000 predictions of his came true 100%, than this one must come true too. How could they prevent it? They can do that by eliminating those who can create the new civilization which would exist on the principles of justice, not equality.

Public opinion has been roughly divided into two big groups. The first began to suspect that something suspiciously wrong was happening to the weather and to surmise about the possibility of events happening the way you have said. The second group considers that everything that happened was a phenomenon of exclusively natural character, because of climate change, the poles displacement, the greenhouse effect becoming stronger, global warming, etc.

– Yes, the climate changes. It has always done that. But what we had is a completely different No climate change could ever hold an anticyclone motionless at one and the same place for one and a half months! No climate change can cause the earth's crust to warm from the inside so that lakes suddenly disappear underground through the cracks on the bottom. There is another instance. Ignorance is the worst state in which a person can find himself. Why? If he fails to understand or know about something, it does not mean that it fails to exist. Regrettably Russians are not the most well-read people in the world, just as it was in the Soviet Union. If people read more, then they would know that Russian hackers have broken into a web-site and smuggled out some documents which show that global warming is a fiction invented by those who use climate weapons in order to cover their ugly actions.

Scientific warming

The President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus called on the scientific and political community to drop the far-fetched hypothesis about global climate change because of human activity. The Czech leader delivered his speech "The view from Prague to Europe: global warming and economic crisis" in the Colombia University unmasking the problem of climate change as scientific and political fiction. By the way, there was a report that NASA warned about this kind of drought and heat in Russia, which now is commented on as a scientific fact.

– Right. Why do they need to fabricate a theory about global warming? Of course, it is bad that human activity influences the environment negatively, but it emits into the atmosphere less than 1% of carbon dioxide, and the other 99% is the result of the planet’s activity. It is a fact. Therefore humanity cannot have any serious influence at this stage of its development on the thermal and greenhouse effect, except for spoiling the environment. The human share of the influence is less than one percent! I think no comments are necessary. Besides, it is already a fact, which has been repeatedly proved, that the theory of global warming is a hoax and was specially worked out by the special services of the World Government in order to ensure their impunity. The anomalous climatic phenomena have happened today in Russia and they could say: well, we warned you about it!

NASA warned beforehand.

– Oh, yes, NASA warned. This is just a smoke-screen. The theory of the global warming is a hoax! Those are not my words; there are a lot of proofs that can be found even on the Internet. Regrettably not many people are informed about it. The situation is the following. First they create a myth about global warming. Don’t confuse it with climate change, because that has always happened and is a normal phenomenon. But we are talking about the global warming which is allegedly caused by man. Why? The purpose is rather simple: when situations like that in France and other countries of Western Europe in 2003 and in Russia this year occur, they could calmly explain to all that this was the effect of global warming, not the action of any climate weapon. And guess what… they warned you about it beforehand!

Setting fires from... the sky

Oddly enough the first social group, which we discussed before, gave the facts proved by our military specialists and meteorologists. One may believe in them or not, may check them and refute, but at least there are some facts. The second group based their opinion purely on emotions. They say: this is nonsense, delirium of a madman, it can not happen, because it can never happen, etc. The question is: why has the first group not showed its indignation and refuted the arguments of the second? Why don’t they do it?

– Because there is nothing to refute. When two types of weapon were destroyed, the fires began. Our observers found a connection between them and the night flights of an American pilotless spaceship Õ37Â over Russia; this ship is large enough to carry a powerful laser. By a strange "coincidence" powerful firestorms occurred after every flight over Russian territory. I got an interesting report saying that there were witnesses who saw how the fields were set on fire. Of course, normally thermal infrared radiation is invisible, but it can be visible in the smoke at the moment of setting alight, moving and causing fire. This is not just supposition. People saw how the flame appeared all of a sudden, then the smoke and a ray coming from the sky starting the fire. That is why the correlation between the flight of the American spaceship over our territory and the appearance of new centres of powerful fires was established.

It is a very serious statement. Are there any facts and testimonies?

– Yes, there are statements of witnesses and information from the space control service. Here is the statement of a Grigory Sviridov who sent the following report on August 6 at 15:14 Moscow time: "Yesterday at 6 p.m. I personally saw how the field which adjoined the forest took fire from a laser ray coming from the sky. The sky was more or less clear; there were no objects in it, which may mean that the ray could have been emitted from a satellite or other space object. The fire blazed up suddenly over an area of 2 square meters, quickly scattered all over the field and went toward the forest. When the dense black smoke shot upwards, a revolving white ray, the diameter of a pen, chaotically ran about inside this smoke. So, it turns out that this thin ray set an area of two square meters on fire." How could an ordinary person know about such things?

It is very interesting.

– Let me continue reading the report: "Probably, initially the ray had another thickness. If it had the colour of white chalk, it would not be visible in the atmosphere. Only the black smoke allowed seeing half of it. Nobody can see it in the white smoke. So, it is not surprising that people are unaware of it, because this kind of ray can be seen neither from satellites, nor from space. It is the most real act of sabotage. Do those who should know about this kind of thing have any information about that? If they do know and cover it up, then they are enemies of people and state. I repeat. I did not see a ray coming from the sky to earth; I just saw it within the cloud of black smoke."

The fellow does not understand that he saw the action of a powerful thermal laser. As I said before, our special services also traced the correlation between the flights of Õ37Â, which can carry a laser weapon over our territory and the appearance of powerful firestorms along its trajectory. Of course, an infra-red laser is unnoticeable in the atmosphere; the black smoke makes it visible. A person saw this laser setting fire to the fields and going to the forest. If there were no airplanes and other flying objects in the sky at this time, it could be done only from a very high orbit; then neither the flying object nor the ray can be seen from the surface with the naked eye, except for the ray being in the black smoke. This is a confirmation that it was an infra-red laser.

But some foreign astronauts just make a laughing-stock of this kind of statement.

– I will give you an example so that you can understand how things are concerning freedom of opinion in the West.

I lived in the USA for 15 years and can say that there is no such freedom as they proclaim. I was acquainted with a director of the CNN news agency in San Francisco. He told me that several journalists had aired material about how agent "orange", a chemical weapon used in the Vietnam War, affected the veterans and their descendants. The TV program revealed that not only the veterans became terribly sick because of it but also their children and grandchildren were born with psychological and physical deformities and pathologies. Kissinger immediately called Turner and ordered: "The bastards should be fired and blacklisted and refutation of the material should be issued immediately." Here it is the much-vaunted American freedom of speech. I think there is no need to give further explanation.

Ignorance is the worst adviser

Indeed, there is no need. Now Russia has to cope with the consequences of the fires and other things and recuperate. Do you think a statement or a report for the world community should be issued or let the summer events of 2010 in Russia be considered a natural cataclysm?

– I cannot tell others what to do. As for me, I act. Tonight there was a program "Infomania" on STS (the Russian channel – E.L.) where I took part and talked about the fires in Russia, although they left just a few seconds from a thirty minute interview. Probably they had more "important" information to broadcast. It does not matter what comments there were before or after my words, because if any man with any sense heard me out, he would understand that things were getting really hot here in the direct and figurative sense.

In the case of someone loudly affirming that it is a hoax or something of the kind, it is advisable to ask the following question: who calls the tune?

Last week on Friday the film crew of the "Military secret" program recorded my interview where I gave my opinion about all this. Anyone may shout whatever he likes and invent fairy-tales about global warming, but it is already a fact that global warming has been unmasked. Regrettably, there are not so many people who know about this, which is at the root of the evil. The people who are interested in nothing of the kind continue to be duped. But they are ignorant and do not understand that, when the geophysical weapon was eliminated, the system which caused the heating of the Earth from inside could not be stabilized at once. Time is needed for it to cool off.

By the way, they again forecast that it is a small respite and everything can return. Regrettably, the meteorologists did not make many mistakes, although I wish it with all my heart. There was 40°C and more than 40°C. Now they say that everything can repeat.

– First of all, they never mentioned any respite before. Everybody forgot about that. They said that the heat would last for the whole of August: when suddenly the temperature dropped, they began to talk about a respite. Well, they do not know where to put themselves; they will say anything. If the climate weapon is applied again, then the heat will return. But I think it will not. And if it does, then it will be destroyed again and again.

There is another phenomenon. Recently Europe was vastly inundated.

Is there a connection between these things?

– I shall give you my point of view. When the climate weapon was destroyed and the anticyclone began to move, the situation in Europe began to normalize and it began to rain. The temperature before July 20 was more than 40°C and afterwards it dropped down to 20 to 24°C, even lower than usual. The weather front started moving to Russia. When those who launched the climate weapon understood that the situation was beginning to improve, they undertook the next step. I believe that certain ingredients were nebulized in the airspace of Western Europe, namely Poland and Germany, to prevent the air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean from dropping water on the territory of Russia.

It had already begun to rain in Kaliningrad, but the rain stopped at our borders and started inundating Europe. I have all grounds to suppose and even assert that it happened exactly like this. There are methods when the currents of air which contain moisture can be pulverized with special aerosols and the moisture falls in the necessary place. It is an extremely primitive method.

The question is: for whom do our weather forecasters, who began to report that the heat will come back, work?

Why did the weather forecasters produce such hysteria? Their behaviour was cynical and immoral. People die, the death rate grows, Moscow suffocates in the smoke, and Russia burns! Then what did they say? Another temperature record is broken! Hurray! As if it was a battle field. Instead of giving people some minor hope and support, they attacked them psychologically. It is some kind of ugly mockery.

– If one knows who gives grants to these weather forecasters, it will be clear who calls the tune.

So, when it became known that they dispersed ingredients that dehydrate the air masses over Europe in order to prevent rains from reaching Russia, then certain interference was undertaken and the cold air went to Russia from the north which we observe now.

What will be the next villainy they prepare?

– It is possible to expect anything in war. I consider that in September 2009 the World Government (social parasites) declared war, first of all, on Russia. As for the dirty tricks they may produce, I cannot say. I do not specialize in vile acts; my mind does not work like this.

Excellent answer. Thank you.

– I can say only one thing. If they do something nasty the next time, I am sure there will be methods to neutralize it.

My sincere gratitude to those who protect people from climatic and other horrors. There is a third group of opinion tending to mysticism mixed with an apocalyptic attitude. They wait for doomsday in 2012.

– I would like to repeat again that ignorance and lack of information is the worst adviser. The Earth should have died several times during the last 20 years. Last time it should have been in 2003, not in 2012. As you see, nothing happened.

People speak a lot about the Lord’s punishment for the sins of humanity of which it must become aware. This kind of statement of public opinion is quite wide-spread now.

– People who say these things do not understand what they are talking about. I’ll say it again. Humanity should have died long ago. Last time it was supposed to be in 2003. What would they say then? Well, there should be nobody to say anything.

What was to happen in 2003?

– The Planet Õ approached the Earth.

History repeats itself as farce

I see. Thank you. So, what they had planned to achieve in 2010?

– They wanted to bring the situation to a crisis. Their task was to prevent Russia from breaking loose from the deadly spin and started restoring the life, about which not only Cayce, who described everything in detail, told, but also many other clairvoyants both of the very distant and not so distant past. They all said that the renaissance of the world would begin in Russia. Russia’s rise is the death of the parasitic world system the centre of which is in the USA; therefore it is the main opposing force.

It is of interest that if we look into the very distant past of our planet, we see almost the same situation, however, at another qualitative level – now the situation for Earth is much better from my point of view. So, it all took place a bit more than 13,000 years ago when migrants from Europe, the white race, moved to a large island situated near Central America. They converted the red race which lived there into slaves and created the Empire of the Ants, the so called Atlantis or Antlan. Over the course of time these migrants started fighting for world domination and attacked the maternal empire of the white race. As a result there was a terrible war, catastrophe and earthly civilization was cast back to the level of the Stone Age. The moon Fatta fell to Earth, the slope of the planet’s axis changed; giant tsunamis emerged and washed out everything in their way. A nuclear weapon was used then, by the way. These are not just words, there are proofs of that. But the most breathtaking fact is that almost the same story on almost the same territory repeats itself in 13,000 years.

Yes, almost at the same place and with the same mentality.

– The same mentality, isn’t it amazing?

It is. They play the same games with the weather which wiped Atlantis from the surface of the Earth!

– Yes. Then the Ants tried to play with the forces of Nature, but now the situation is different. Those who do that cannot fiddle with them with impunity anymore.

Regrettably, it is still they who punish us for the moment.

– They have already punished themselves very seriously. Remember the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. They have had to evacuate people from the area. In Chicago acid and arsenic rains were detected.

They said that the Russians did that.

– Really? The Russians are guilty of the oil leakage in the Gulf of Mexico? Well, if there is nothing to say, one says any nonsense. Their avidity let them down. They must not drill where they drilled. It was very dangerous. Several tectonic platforms join there, therefore the crust is unstable and any drilling could have the same result in the end. One must not drill at the joint of the platforms and this is not my conclusion. But they desperately wanted to get more profit. We all see what has come of it.

Our satellites with laser weapons did not fly over the territory of the USA setting it on fire! On the contrary, it was our territory near to strategic military objects which was exposed to fire.

When there was an earthquake in Haiti, the whole world rushed to help. When terrible misfortunes befell Russia, the Pope made an appeal for help. So, where were our friends with their help then? Now help is less needed unlike some time ago.

– Nobody is going to help Russia. There are, of course, a few friends, but they do not have such might which would allow them to act openly, otherwise they would be destroyed. The Russian Tsar Alexander III told his son that Russia had only two allies: its Army and Fleet. Nothing has changed since then. Regrettably Russia has never had any true allies and never will. In fact, those who loudly call themselves Russia’s allies have always used it and still do for their dirty business.

It turns out that this summer Russia again sacrificed itself and saved Europe. If the climate weapon had not been discovered and destroyed, now Europe would have burned the same way as Russia.

– So it seems.

The British scientists found an explanation. It appears that the matter is in the jet stream. They say almost the same as you, but from the point of view of scientific meteorology. They talk about so-called blocking events as unique natural phenomena. But none of them reflected about something coming up against a wall, roughly speaking, and moving neither there nor here, that cannot be a natural phenomenon.

– Perhaps, they suspect that but are afraid to tell it plainly.

Maybe the consciousness of the majority of people is blocked the same way this anticyclone was?

– Maybe. But most likely they are afraid to speak, because they can lose their job. I spoke to a Russian lady who carried out research on the influence of GMO (genetically modified organisms) on mice. She discovered that the second generation had already become sterile. She managed to attend a number of international symposia, but now she is ousted from everywhere. It appears that nobody should study this kind of thing! The scientists who loudly declared that GMO is a genetic weapon lost their job and grants. What does it mean? The scientists who get their salary from the social parasites are afraid to say anything which would contradict the main stream, even if they do want to say, because those who make bold enough to talk about it are immediately fired and deprived of the financial means and conditions to continue their research. Instead of living normal lives, they have to survive.

The death rate has considerably grown in Moscow and it is still unknown yet what consequences this calamity will have in the future. The scientists are afraid to tell the truth! Russia again suffered most of all.

– I agree. The same weapon was used both against Russia and Europe. If there are agents of influence in Russia and scientists who, from my point of view, can be called such at a huge stretch, then they are ready to betray everything for the sake of a feeding trough. Therefore, we need to give publicity to this information. Not all people are dull and indifferent. Some have already woken up and many are in the process of waking up; they have started seeing and understanding what really happens. I strongly believe that the kind of actions which social parasites applied against Russia this summer will not postpone or abort the renaissance of Russia, but, on the contrary, will catalyze and advance it.

A fifth column

About the agents of influence. There were several hysterically-emotional publications on the subject of "the climate weapon and aliens". It is of interest that the author of one of such article went with his family to Finland. Is not it interesting why?

– Indeed.

But there is a possibility that a time can come when there will be nowhere to go!

– Certainly.

So, Russia would have had almost nil chance of survival, if some extraordinary measures had not been applied?

– Yes, indeed. Well, again, if it were not for these measures, the Earth would have been destroyed as early as in 2003. Everything is connected here. If measures of this kind had not been undertaken before, the Earth would have ceased to exist. Nobody could discuss all these problems, because humanity would have disappeared. But the enemies of mankind have not calmed down and continue to do villainous things. From my point of view, it is the dying agony of the parasitic system, but it still tries to kick. Even a hare driven into a corner can be dangerous. However, this agony will pass and that will be it. I am convinced that everything will be all right.

So, we finish our conversation in a very positive mood. May humanity and Russia in particular hope for better times? There is another instance though. Sources close to NASA (I am sneering) confidently affirm that Russia will have an incredibly severe winter this year!

– We will see. Last year the winter was frosty too.

Obviously, there is something to think of in advance.

– You see, until a weapon is applied, it is impossible to destroy it.

Do you think Russia will renew the research and development on climate matters?

– I think it is better to think now how to restore the country. A weapon should not be developed. They should have worked out an anti-weapon. However, that already exists.

I see.

– If there are methods to turn back the hurricanes to those who create them, then there are other interesting technologies.

By the way, about hurricanes. The same alarmists gladly portend that we will not come easily, without losses, out of this hard situation. There will be yet greater calamities when the heat is over, more destructive ones: hurricanes, tornados, thunderstorms, etc.

– We’ll see. Who pays them? They yell about only that which their bosses order. Regrettably, a lot of good things which should happen in Russia do not happen while there is a powerful fifth column in the country; nevertheless, despite what it wants, no matter how much they go mad, they are loosing one position after another very fast.

If there are forces which are able to counteract and frustrate their plans – it is obvious that all their "toys" did not break on their own – will they try to neutralize these forces?

– They have tried and still try to do that. They failed. I think that they are unable to do anything about it.

May Russia and Moscow sleep a peaceful sleep without expecting the next doomsday or natural cataclysms in the near future?

– Well, it is too early to relax. There is no doubt that they will continue with their acts of villainy, but I hope, they will get nothing in the end.

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