Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

Part 6. Obvious and incredible

Photographs taken by my wife Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov

This is 2008; it is now five years since I set the psi-field generator in our French domain. Many interesting, surprising and simply unbelievable phenomena, which even fiction writers noted for their gift to foresee the future, were unable to imagine, have taken place under its influence. In fact, a great many inventions predicted by Jules G. Verne later appeared to be very similar to their real world counterparts in a not so remote future! I could go on enumerating the many other fiction writers who predicted the achievements of science and engineering and even the organization of a future society in their works. I read a lot of science-fiction books, both scientific and unscientific early in my childhood and my interest in science fiction did not wane.

However, faced with reality, in which I participated, I was astonished at my discovery of the fact that the majority of the science-fiction writers’ fantasies were held captive to the generally accepted concepts. Yes, many of them managed to peep into the future, but ... it was a future within the limits of the “Procrustean bed” of current “scientific” concepts. The understanding of this fact came to me when I began to do things which other people considered fantastic. The farther along my path I moved, the more the real results of what I did, which could be “touched by hands”, differed from the version of both official “science” and that of science-fiction writers! As I progressed in my understanding of nature, this state of affairs both with science and science-fiction became clearer to me.

Modern science dug a grave for itself with its own “hands”. Being guided by mechanistic materialism, Vulgarmaterialismus (Germ.) which social parasites palmed off on it at the right time, modern science created devices which allowed it to penetrate into the micro and macrocosm. As a result, modern science accumulated an enormous amount of facts which totally contradicted its theoretical concepts, thus, refuting its own theoretical foundation. The last “clod of earth” which it threw on its own “grave” was the official confession that modern science has some “knowledge” of only about 10% of the matter of the Universe, and knows nothing at all about the other 90%! The only thing they are able to do is to call this 90% “dark matter”!

The Academician, Eugene Velikhov, R.A.S. (The Russian Academy of Sciences) declared it openly: it turns out that this is a generally accepted trend not only in “the decaying West”, as it was called in Soviet times, but in Russia too, and it was not an academic-dissident saying this, but an acknowledged Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences! Well, considering these “revelations”, official science has no right to make accusations of an anti-scientific approach, or to label anything as pseudo-science, with the exception, perhaps, of the one on behalf of which Academician Velikhov has spoken. I am not fond of pinning labels, but after they acknowledged the existence of “dark matter”, the theoretical foundation of modern science cannot be called anything else but the history of science.

There is nothing bad in it, in fact, man continues to expand his knowledge of the surrounding world and our past is full of examples of how humanity changed its understanding of Nature. Regrettably, it is also full of examples of the fact that quite often those who should be head and shoulders above the rest in this business — men of science — opposed change most of all, pinning the label of pseudo-science on every new (and often more correct) understanding of nature! For example, in the not so distant past the French Royal academy of sciences returned the official verdict on meteorites, declaring with total “scientific” validity, that stones could not fall from the sky and their verdict on the permafrost was that it did not exist! It is of interest that others took these statements quite seriously, considering “scientists” to be experts in anything they spoke about. The right to present such “deductions” they confirmed by their “scientific” effort and achievements and nobody laughed at such statements! Today these people would be regarded as “mad” for making similar statements, but several hundred years ago they were rendered honours, and those who proved the opposite were, at best, declared pseudo-scientists, and at worst — were burned!

However, “there’s nothing new under the Sun”! Modern “scientists”, even acknowledging that they know almost nothing about the nature of the Universe, nevertheless, pin labels of pseudo-science on everything that falls short of their “scientific” concepts! A special department for fighting “pseudo-science” (some kind of Scientific Inquisition?) was recently created in the Russian Academy of Sciences! With which “pseudo-science” I wonder are venerable academicians going to “fight”? I would advise them to begin with that which knows nothing about 90% of the matter of the Universe, in other words — with itself! Because those concepts which they declare “pseudo-science”, at least, give understanding of what so-called “dark matter” is and not only theoretically (in which case it could possibly be disputed), but in practice: when the results of correctly understanding nature can be seen with one’s own eyes, touched with one’s own hands, tested with one’s own teeth and smelled with one’s own nose: when the results are totally material and the priests of science cannot refute them using mathematical manipulations!

Certainly, it is possible to invent mathematical ruses which could help to “prove” any foolishness, but the Sun, stars or real results will not disappear because of similar mathematical manipulations, no matter how much someone would wish it! In fact, reality is not made up of formulae where a “scientist” can disregard the, “uncomfortable” for him, elements of an equation just because they “prevent” him from getting a “beautiful” final formula! Of course, it is much simpler to ignore that which interferes with a beautiful answer than to review the results and the chosen path in the search for truth. Almost nobody is ready to acknowledge the very fact that this beautiful answer may not be correct at all! The most important thing is to get a beautiful answer, and nature can be declared “wrong”, if it cannot be squeezed into it! With what ease “scientists” will designate letters or signs to real natural processes and begin to insert them into mathematical formulae and manipulate them, according to mathematical rules which are not objective laws, but just some creations in people’s heads!

However, it is very advantageous to certain forces: social parasites use mathematics, which initially served for practical usage in the form of arithmetic, geometry and mechanics, in precisely this way. Everything was all right with mathematics in these sections of practical knowledge until it was converted into theoretical “science”, the speculative “laws” of which were imposed on other natural sciences. As a result, the conceptual approach was subjugated in these sciences by the abstract one based on the mathematical approach.

The list of mistakes which academic science has made is endless, but their enumeration would take a lot of time and paper. In order to save both the first and the latter and at the same time not to leave the foregoing conclusions about academic science “hanging in the air”, it is enough to report its practical “results”! These also can be seen with one’s own eyes, touched with one’s own hands, tested with one’s own teeth and smelled with one’s own nose! Academic “science” has led Midgard-earth to the verge of ecological catastrophe, when the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe is poisoned! It is not a slander on science, and one does not need to have a scientific degree in order to understand it. This fact is well-known and requires no additional comment either from my side or from anyone else’s! The destructive results of the application of “scientific” concepts are an irrefutable proof!

It would be unfair to say that everything in academic science is totally wrong. Certainly, it is not, but its fundamental concepts, based on the intentionally distorted picture of nature are, and as a result the ecological situation on Midgard-earth has become critical. However, as they say —it’s easy to criticize, but criticism is inappropriate if nothing is offered in exchange. Such is my position, and I bring this question up only because I do have something to offer in exchange, which is not theoretical developments difficult for realization and the results of which would be seen only in the far away future with the stipulation that everything goes as planned. I have real results, the irrefutable proof of which exists now, today!

Step by step I am demonstrating the real and already existent results (not the supposed, theoretical ones) in the series of articles The Source of Life. They are real proofs of the fact that there is practical confirmation of a fundamentally new approach to man’s co-operation with nature, when man is not incessantly at war with Mother Nature, but can harmoniously co-exist on the basis of knowledge and understanding of its real laws.

This new approach is based on the understanding of what so-called “dark matter” is! It allows man to stop his constant violation of natural harmony and moreover, to begin co-operating with Nature at a fundamentally different level, when man becomes the creator of something new which Nature was unable to create! Man can be a creator, not the destroyer which he has become by being armed with the concepts and ideas of modern academic science! Man should neither be at war with Nature, nor subdue it! He should live in harmony with Nature and create together with it. This article describes exactly such an approach, the adequacy and accuracy of which is confirmed by real facts and irrefutable proofs!

So, five years have passed since I installed the psi-field generator created from so-called “dark matter” or, in other words, from primary matters, according to my classification which I use in the books. It is a special device which combines the qualities of a computer with a level of abilities, about which even science-fiction writers could not dream; a device which transforms space! But the most interesting fact about this particular device is that not a single atom of so-called physically dense matter was used in its creation!

However, the psi-field generator influences physically dense matter, both living and lifeless! Moreover, its influence differs dramatically from that of any device created by humanity for affecting any kind of matter! This apparent “paradox” can be easily explained by the fact that this device is created from “dark” matter and controls streams of the same “dark” matter, and ... the result of this action is manifested by the physically dense matter which we all know and understand so well at the level of our sense-organs! Is this not an amusing situation in regard to academic “science”?!

The device is created from and controls streams of what these scientists call “dark” matter and know nothing about: they do not have a single device or method to detect it, apart from the observation of indirect phenomena, due to the manifestation of which academic science being unable to deny the fact of its existence, was reluctantly forced to acknowledge that it knows nothing about 90% of the matter of the Universe. So, the device is created from and works with the streams of matter about which academic science knows nothing, but the results of its functioning are the most material ones, moreover, they are of a kind, about which academic science could not even dare to dream!

But this is only the beginning! The influence of the psi-generator or the “dark” matter generator, or the generator of life, on plants and other living organisms of our estate has been studied only for the past five years and the results of its work appeared to be unbelievable almost from the moment of installation! From the very beginning of its action, everything that happened with plants and other living organisms was simply incredible from any point of view, because that which could not happen, happened! Moreover, “what could not happen” did not disappear anywhere, on the contrary, newer and newer “impossibilities” manifested every year, with every new correction of the psi-field generator which I brought in over the course of time! They were introduced into the already working psi-generator to solve one or another problem which life and Nature brought. They required the creation of dramatically new qualities in plants and other living organisms, which they never had in their original environmental conditions.

Usually, when the environmental conditions changed, plants and other living organisms could not change themselves over a short period of time or they could not change themselves in principle, which resulted in the death of most types of living organisms, primarily plants, because they are unable to move and search for acceptable living conditions. Plants appear to be captives in the place of their growing! The placing of plants from different climatic zones in the open is tantamount to a sharp change of climatic conditions and is accompanied by several additional negative factors.

First, when a plant is dug up and moved from one place to another, it is in a strongly stressful situation, especially for the root system which gets serious damage even if treated very carefully when being lifted out.

Second, in our domain the plants were planted in the worst type of soil for growing — limestone and red clay. It is simply incompatible with the required conditions for many plants which grow in our park and magnolia garden!

So, all these factors diminished the possibility of even simple survival of many plants in our park. However, even without these additional factors a lot of our plants should have died very quickly from the point of view of academic science. In my articles “The Source of life 1-5” I cited reference data on each plant I wrote about: almost every reference indicated that limestone and red clay are absolutely unsuitable for growing the majority of the plants which grow on our estate, just as are the climatic conditions. Here are some of the climatic surprises with which Nature “rewarded” us over five years of the working of the psi-field generator: strong frosts in winter which sometimes reached from -18 to -20 degrees Celsius, suffocating heat up to +45 degrees Celsius in summers without precipitation, south-west winds which blew in one direction from 6 to 8 months a year and incessant (from 5 to 6 months) rain.

It is quite surprising that so many extreme natural manifestations happened exactly in these five years, almost as if Nature “tried” to create maximally difficult conditions to test the device. There were a number of extreme environmental conditions in these five years which have not been observed for several hundred years. For example, the summer heat of 2003 was the same as two hundred years ago; the frosts -18 to -20 degrees Celsius have never been registered in the Royal Valley, nor has incessant for several months rain, and winds blowing in one direction for months. In fact, Nature created extreme conditions to test the psi-field generator from the very beginning.

The psi-field generator installed in our French estate was the first device of this type which I created. We can say that it was the first experimental model! However, even the first generator of life appeared to be very effective! Owing to the fact that the generator was made of “dark” matter, it was possible for me to redo it quickly, and easily introduce new abilities and properties which were not designed initially. Thus, the device can be modified almost infinitely, which was demonstrated in practice! And not only this!

Owing to the fact that Nature offered such extreme conditions and that our French domain possesses the worst soil in which plants, “natives” of very many climatic areas, were planted, five years of the psi-field generator’s trying and testing are the equivalent of several hundred years of research into the working of the device in usual conditions! And if we take the adaptation of tropical and subequatorial plants to such environmental conditions, there is no temporal analogue at all, because nothing of the kind had been ever observed in Nature for the whole time of the existence of life on Midgard-earth!

There are a number of phenomena which could be possible only due to the psi-field generator. For example, the non-freezable arboreal juice appearing in evergreens of tropical and subtropical zones in nipping frosts. These evergreens must inevitably die confronting such prolonged hard frosts! However, these plants not only survived but their leaves and ripening fruits continued their vital activity, only the processes were much slower than in the environmental conditions to which they had been accustomed.

Another example is the synthesis of water by plants that has never happened in nature! The possibility to synthesize water independently which the plants acquired on getting into the active area of the psi-generator allowed most types not only to survive during an unbelievable heat-wave that lasted several months, when there were almost no rains and watering, but also some plants to change dramatically: water lilies (Arumlily) “got” out on dry land and came to feel at home in limestone! The lilies did that which long ago the amphibious and, way before them, the first plants of shoals and bogs did. Unlike former dry land explorers, our water-lilies almost did not change outwardly — they look like their water colleagues!

Another consequence of the psi-field generator’s effect on the vegetable and animal world is the possibility of plants to gain an unbelievable speed of growth, which exceeds that which happens in absolutely optimum conditions by 5 to 8 times! Moreover, the speed of growth increases with every year, even though at the same time our plants have the worst conditions for their growth! The unbelievable speed of growth is complemented by the equally unbelievable size of leaves, flowers and fruits.

There is one more important consequence: almost continuous flowering and fruiting, when it is possible to gather three or four harvests (and sometimes more) a year, instead of one! This does not exhaust the plants, but on the contrary, they become healthier and stronger with every year: that all takes place in limestone and red clay without any fertilizers and watering! Moreover, the soil is not exhausted, primarily, because it was utterly poor from the very beginning, but on the contrary — it is turned into fertile land under the influence of the psi-generator, which is optimal precisely for those plants which grow in it now! All the abovementioned is not fantasy or fiction, but objective reality which cannot be denied, but only suppressed, which is precisely what happens today! I can go on enumerating all the incredible phenomena which have happened and continue to happen on our French estate due to the action of the psi-generator or the “dark” matter generator, or the generator of primary matters, but I think that it is time to come to the new facts of objective reality...

I will begin with the most wonderful thing which plants have — their flowers! I have mentioned in other articles of the series The Source of Life more than once that the plants which grow in our domain have flowers of several times greater size than the plants in any other place on Midgard-earth. The already enormous magnolia flowers of our garden became simply gigantic; sometimes more than half a metre in diameter! The supposition that flowers can be of such a size immediately seems pure fiction, but suddenly it appears that it is not a fantasy, but true reality!

Most magnolias in our garden are of Magnolia-caduc type. All plants which shed their leaves in a certain season are referred to as a caduc type! Magnolias caduc have yet another feature: their flowers appear early in spring before the leaves! It is a real delight to observe this miracle of nature, a fairy-tale when the buds begin to blossom on the bare branches of the trees and bushes in spring and an amazing aroma spreads around, especially when the flowers are of an enormous size which “cannot” exist in nature! A more detailed description of this can be found in “The Source of life–2”.

In this article I pay basic attention not even to the size of the flowers, but to the phenomenon which has been never observed before in plants of this type! As I mentioned before, in spring magnolias caduc have flowers on their branches first and after that — leaves!

In 2008 magnolias caduc “behaved” as they should: in spring enormous flowers appeared on the still naked branches, which had already become quite an ordinary thing for us. We thought that there was nothing that would surprise us after all that had already happened; the next “wonder” appeared in the middle of July! On the branches of magnolias with enormous leaves (several times bigger than they should be), we suddenly saw ... buds, which blossomed out as if nothing had happened, (despite the date in the second half of July) among the leaves and even seeds which were gaining force after the first flowering!

It is incredible that Magnolia Soulangiana “Lennei”‘s enormous flowers appeared for the second time in a year in the middle of July among no less enormous leaves! The combination of leaves and flowers on a magnolia-caduc is simply impossible (Fig. 1)! When looking at such a “scandal”, someone can find a “reasonable” explanation, like — this magnolia just went “mad”, it just “occurred” to it to blossom for the second time. Certainly, someone will want to “calm” himself like this, but it will not help! The fact of the matter is that not only one magnolia-caduc went “mad”, but almost all magnolias in our garden blossomed for the second time! The majestic Magnolia Soulangiana — hybrid “Verbanica” also flowered for the second time. It is enough to look at its photo in the middle of April (unfortunately, I have had to use the photo of 2003 because there was no necessity to take pictures of the same flowering in 2008) and in the middle of July, 2008 to understand the principle difference of these flowerings (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).

These photos look like a test for attention and visual memory checking: one has to spot the difference! And they differ in that there are no leaves around flowers in one photo, while every flower is surrounded by a crown of enormous leaves in the other, which cannot be! Certainly, the number of flowers in the second flowering is less than in the first, but ... the second flowering should not happen at all! It cannot be, but it is! This indicates the fact that the psi-field generator dramatically influences plants and every living thing. This influence does not carry any negative after-effects, like for example, radioactivity! It has a completely different nature, not only from the influence of radioactive radiation but also from all the other kinds of radiation known to modern science. I will talk about it later, and meanwhile let us continue to analyze the facts...

As early as in 2004 the magnolias of our garden were just small trees. The photo of 2004 confirms this: it shows an enormous bud of Magnolia “Iolannthe” on a still weak sprig of a nursery plant and young, thin plants of other magnolias in the background (Fig. 4). And now let us look at the picture of July, 21 2008 where we can see the magnolias blossoming for the second time and also that the little nursery magnolias became enormous trees over this period. (Fig. 5)!

In fact, based on the “usual” concepts about the speed of plants’ growth, we would find it impossible to imagine that this kind of thing can happen: the nursery magnolias planted in pure limestone have grown into such enormous trees in five years! Today our magnolias have not reached a maximal height yet which the trees of this species can achieve! But ... other magnolias achieve their maximal height over decades in the best soil and optimal climatic conditions! However, in our garden the nursery plants were planted in the worst soil, got the worst climatic conditions and nevertheless turned into full-fledged trees under the influence of the psi-field generator in just five years! For example, Magnolia “Susan” planted in 2003 (Fig. 6). As our magnolias were planted in almost pure limestone, it was surprising that they took root and began to flower, but even more surprising is the size that they reached growing in such conditions for five years, in particular Magnolia “Susan”!

Over five years the sapling of this magnolia turned into a tree of almost four metres high and six metres wide (Fig. 7)! In this picture, Svetlana’s friend Emma who is 190 cms tall looks like an early teenager! By the way, this picture was taken on July, 6 2008, and there is not a single flower on it; the magnolia is thickly covered by enormous leaves through which it is impossible to discern anything. Only 23 days passed since this picture was taken and ... in this time (less than a month) this magnolia grew upwards and in breadth and the buds of the “second shift” appeared!

In the photo dated July, 29 2008 we can see a noticeably grown (for such a short term) Magnolia “Susan” with Emma in front for the sake of comparison (Fig. 8)! Its huge buds and flowers are difficult to notice among numerous enormous leaves. Therefore, in order to discern them well, Svetlana took the pictures of the buds at a short distance (Fig. 9 and Fig. 10). There the magnolia’s buds are perfectly visible, and although there are not as many flowers among the enormous leaves as during the first flowering, nevertheless, it is quite clear that the second flowering is not an anomaly, a single instance of flowering or a bud which “fell asleep” and for unknown reasons suddenly “woke up” in half a year and began to “repair an omission”.

Magnolia Soulangiana «Lennei»


Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Verbanica»


Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Verbanica»


Magnolia «Iolannthe»


Magnolia «Iolannthe»


Magnolia «Susan»


Magnolia «Susan»


Magnolia «Susan»


Magnolia «Susan»


Magnolia «Susan»


The July flowering of magnolias caduc is an unbelievable phenomenon in itself which has never happened in the world before, at least, it has been never reported anywhere! However, the fact that the buds blossomed on a tree at the same time with ripening seeds which appeared after the first (usual) flowering is already a wonder in a wonder, but it is absolutely real — we just have to look at Magnolia “Verbanica” 's opened flower (Fig. 11) and its ripening seeds after the first flowering of 2008 next to another blossoming flower (Fig. 12)! I also would like to draw attention to the leaves. In all the photos we can see that the magnolias have an incredible number of leaves of enormous size. In addition, they are extraordinarily thick and look like they are made of leather, only green!

Exactly the same words can be said about another magnolia caduc — Magnolia “Ricki” — the hybrid of Magnolia liliiflora “Nigra” and Magnolia stellata “Rosea” (Fig. 13)! It is incredible, but this kind of thing can be seen only within the bounds of our estate: (1),a magnolia bud in the beginning of its forming, when it is still covered in tender light-green “fluff” (2), a blossoming bud and (3), a ripening seed after the first flowering (Fig. 14)! To tell the truth it is quite an odd feeling: to observe phenomena which are considered to be impossible, but you see all of them with your own eyes and they do not seem to be something unbelievable for you, but quite ordinary ones!

In this connection, I remember my first experiment with my influence on plants. It happened at the end of January – beginning of February 1990, when someone gave me a plant leaf and suggested putting it into water. When the leaf rooted, I planted it in a pot with soil and decided to make a small experiment. I decided to change the “biological coefficient” (or biological efficiency factor, “BEF”) of an angiosperm plant from 10% to 30%! The leaf took root in the soil; many new leaves, which were much thicker and larger than the one that had been placed in the glass with water, appeared. In May a blossoming bud appeared. From my point of view, nothing unusual had happened. I would have continued thinking like this, until a woman, a PHD in biology, came to visit me and, telling the Latin name of the plant, was surprised to see it flowering. Being unaware of anything, I told that three months ago it was just a leaf which I put into water. On hearing this, she was shocked: “This is impossible, — she said — this plant flowers once in five years and only in certain conditions!” Only chance allowed me to know that my experiment with BEF turned out to be more than successful. In three months the modified plant had travelled an evolutional path of five years! So, unbelievable phenomena are realized only when they have something to compare with.

The like of this happens in our domain. Everything going on there is incredible and fabulous when you compare it with what takes place in the rest of the world! In fact, the phenomena that take place in our domain are the only “norm” that exists for our plants! They live their life and do not know that, in this way they refute almost all laws of living nature! It is the only life they know... they do not have anything else. Indeed, plants are unable to advance theories on what can happen and what cannot! They just live!

Almost all magnolias caduc effloresced a second time in our magnolia garden and the flowers of the “second shift” were not smaller than those of the “first”! For the sake of comparison, let us take a glance at Magnolia “Betty”’s flower in 2006 which blossomed as it should in April when the buds of these trees swelled and have just shed their protective shells and exposed tender little leaves which still s tick together (Fig. 15). And now look at Magnolia “Betty”'s bud of the “second shift” which has just begun to blossom among already enormous leaves in comparison with which it does not look big. Only Svetlana’s fingers in both pictures (of 2006 and 2008) allow us to draw the conclusion that the flowers of the “second shift” are not smaller than the flowers of the “first”, the usual one (Fig. 16).

In order to get a complete picture of what is going on in our estate, I will describe the “wonders” that happen with the queen of magnolias caduc — Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid “Iolannthe”. I paid a lot of attention to it in the article “The Source of life–1”: I described and compared not only the flowers of this magnolia but also its leaves which already then were considerably bigger than their “colleagues” outside the bounds of our estate. In 2005 the psi-field generator had been working for only two years, nevertheless, its influence caused a lot of unbelievable things to happen in the vegetable and animal world! In 2005 the flowers of Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid “Iolannthe” achieved a 32-38cm diameter (Fig. 17)! The flowers of the “second shift” of 2008 do not look smaller at all, on the contrary, they are much bigger than the flowers of 2005 (Fig. 18).

In order to understand this, it is enough to compare the size of flowers and leaves of this magnolia. Each petal of Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid “Iolannthe” is commensurable with its leaves! Now, it is enough to get the size of the leaves to have an idea about the size of the flowers. The size of the leaves is very easy to measure which cannot be said about the flowers. Already in 2006 the leaves of Magnolia “Iolannthe” were twice as big as those which grew outside of our domain (Fig. 19 and Fig. 20). This single fact was already unbelievable, but in the three years to 2008, the leaves of one and the same magnolia became much bigger than they were in 2005 and reached 28 cm in length (Fig. 21)!

Magnolia «Verbanica»


Magnolia «Verbanica»


Magnolia «Ricki»


Magnolia «Ricki»


Magnolia «Betty»


Magnolia «Betty»


Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Iolannthe»


Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Iolannthe»


Magnolia «Iolannthe»


Magnolia «Iolannthe»


So, on comparing the size of leaves and petals of this magnolia, we can clearly see that its flowers became even bigger! Thus, it is evident that new properties and qualities acquired under the influence of the “dark” matter generator do not disappear anywhere, but become more strongly expressed! “Iolannthe’s” leaves and flowers are clear evidence of this, however, still not the most unbelievable!

In order to be sure of this, compare it to similar changes that happened in Magnolia “Lotus”. Its leaves were 3 to 4 times bigger than the “normal” ones already in 2005 and achieved a size of 44-52cm (Fig. 22). In 2008 its leaves became even longer: almost all of them are around 60cm (Fig. 23)! They became thicker and acquired a “waxen” coating. The ripening seeds of Magnolia “Lotus” look as impressive as its leaves (Fig. 24)! The leaves of Magnolia Soulangiana “Lennei” previously mentioned catch up with the others (Fig. 25), as the leaves of almost all magnolias in our estate do!

According to the reference data, the leaves of Magnolia Soulangeana outside of our park have an inverse ovate form and are 10-18cm long and 5-10cm wide. Its leaves in our garden are 30 cm long and 18 cm wide (Fig. 26 and Fig. 27)! The leaves of Magnolia “Atlas” are not only of an unbelievable size, they also changed their form (Fig. 28 and Fig. 29)! Its leaves are 26 cm long and 18 cm wide and grow in width much quicker, than in length! They turned into “jumbo” leaves not only because they became wider and longer, but also because they became much thicker and acquired a wax-like coating which reduces the loss of water through evaporation from such an enormous surface! At the same time leaves of such a size assimilate the sunlight that falls on the surface of Midgard-earth much better and synthesize considerably more vegetable biomass!

The leaves of a tree or a plant are natural “factories” which produce vegetable biomass and process carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen: leaves are the planet’s lungs. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate their ability to endure changing climatic conditions and temperature variations which are beyond the limit for many varieties of plants, as well as their ability not only to survive but also to grow 5-6 times quicker in absolutely improper soil and to give several crops for one season without any fertilizers when the exhaustion of neither they nor the soil occurs. The fact that plants can bring every year more abundant crops than in the previous one, or correctly saying several crops in a season, is directly related to the state of the leaves! So, leaves are “the head” in plants!

Therefore, when observing how leaves are changed under the influence of the psi-field generator (or the “dark” matter generator), in particular magnolias’ leaves, the future prospects of harmonious co-operation between man and Nature takes the breath away, when there is a real possibility to solve all the problems with food without harming Nature. When I observe the stormy reaction of the plants to the psi-field generator and even expect and know that something like this should happen, nevertheless, when I see all this with my own eyes, when I see that the practical results excel the most fantastic theoretical suppositions, I cannot help but be surprised!

It is worthy of our attention: all the abovementioned does not happen only with particular leaves or plants, but with all green i nhabitants of our estate! It is not a casual effect, but an appropriate regularity: the creation of new natural laws which Nature has not created! The salvation for humanity is in the search for harmony between man and Nature on the basis of the understanding of its laws! So, when one looks at magnolias’ branches and young shoots, it becomes quite clear that what is going on is not a fortuity or a plant’s “madness”, but a new reality created on the basis of understanding natural laws and as a result of the creation and control of new natural laws! In order to verify this statement, it is enough to look at the magnolias’ branches (Fig. 30)!

Magnolia «Iolannthe»


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia Soulangiana «Lennei»


Magnolia Soulangeana


Magnolia Soulangeana


Magnolia «Atlas»


Magnolia «Atlas»


Vigorously growing magnolias


However, not only the magnolias’ leaves reach such an outstanding size and so quickly: young shoots keep pace with them! For example, Magnolia “Iolannthe’s” young shoots have added almost two metres in a month (Fig. 31)! For the sake of comparison: these magnolias gain a maximum of 10-20cm a year in the best environmental conditions, and here we observe a gain of two metres a month! This kind of thing cannot be in principle, but this is a fact, which is the result of the work of our psi-field generator! In order to remove all doubts about the reality of these results, it is enough to look at the photos where Svetlana’s friend, Emma, (whose height is around 190 cm) is standing next to young shoots of Magnolia “Betty” (Fig. 32)! A young shoot of Magnolia “Atlas” has gained 2.5 metres in just a month (Fig. 33)! These photos were taken on July, 29 2008! It turns out that in a month the magnolias of our estate gained the height which in any place in the world they would only gain in 10-15 years! But this is not all! Only two weeks passed since the photos 32 and 33 were taken as young shoots grew more: they became almost twice as long in just two weeks! The next pictures (Fig. 34 and Fig. 35) totally confirm this!

Not only do the abovementioned magnolias grow with such an unbelievable speed; almost all our magnolias (and not only they) “behave” like this. Magnolia “Lotus” holds the record: its young sprouts have gained almost three meters (from ground level) in the last month and a half (Fig. 36)! This magnolia’s shoots, which grew last year, are about half as long as those which have grown for the last one and a half months. In order to make sure of this, it is enough to look at the colour of their bark (Fig. 37 and Fig. 38). The bark of last year’s shoots is grey, while the bark of this year’s growth is hazel-green. So, this is not a supposition or an attempt to mislead somebody, this is the most real, irrefutable fact! Everything going on in our domain is real and irrefutable proof of the working of the psi-field generator (the “dark” matter generator) which is not casual or spontaneous, but directed and controlled action according to the installed programs!

When Professor Gerard Chartier saw with what unbelievable speed magnolias had grown in so short a time, he exclaimed: “...This cannot be! They cannot grow like this! It is impossible to explain!” This man has devoted all his life to the study of plants. He did not know about the presence of the psi-field generator which is “responsible” for all these “wonders” and such a statement, especially for those who know him well, means a lot! An independent and unprejudiced observer-professional is in complete amazement at what is happening on our estate. The impossible became possible during a very short period of time! But he said these words, when young magnolia’s shoots were just almost one metre high! Only three weeks passed after his words and the height of the young shoots which shocked him so much became almost three metres which is clearly visible on the photos...

These results give us hope that there is a real chance to recover the forests destroyed because of the barbarian actions of modern “civilization” and to repair the harm that man inflicted on nature at the same time without harming the interests of humanity! These results give hope that future generations will not inherit a poisoned planet with totally damaged ecology and destroyed Nature!

That which is going on with magnolias caduc in our estate is incredible but is already an expected regularity. It is a result of the directed working of the psi-field generator. It is not a chance, not a whim of nature or influence of a “special” microclimate. The phenomena observed on our estate have never taken place anywhere! Not even in the places of outlets of the Source of Force mentioned in Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, which just tell about an unusual growth of plants in these special areas. Any qualitative changes in plants in the areas of outlets of the Source of Force were not observed which is quite natural, because the Source of Force had another purpose. The psi-field generator installed in our domain renders a purposeful influence on the vegetable and animal worlds, as a result of which they acquired the properties and qualities which Nature was unable to create in the whole time of the existence of life on Midgard-earth. Thus, the understanding of the true laws of micro and macrocosm allows to improve that which nature has created, to create that which it was unable to create without violation of natural harmony and at the same time to solve almost all problems related to human activity...

And now let me come back to “marvels” which happen in our estate with our magnolias. As I mentioned before the psi-field generator (the “dark” matter generator) influences magnolias so that the size and form of their leaves and flowers change, the repeated flowering, which has never taken place anywhere in the world, occurs and they grow with unbelievable speed. Moreover, they have acquired several additional features: frost-resistance, the ability to synthesize water, nonfreezing arboreal juice, etc. These factors together resulted in the magnolias’ “obsession” to produce feverishly, flowers, leaves and shoots. When you look at the magnolias, there is an impression that you are seeing a magnolia jungle! (Fig. 39) Here and there new buds sparkle with jewel-like beauty among this unbelievable realm of leaves.

Enormous leaves and enormous buds are really amazing, but the fact that leaves of one and the same magnolia have different colouring is no less surprising. The leaves which got direct sunlight (Fig. 40) changed their colour as compared to the leaves to which sunbeams could not pay so much attention (Fig. 41). This fact indicates a change in the biochemistry of the leaves which in itself says a lot. But for now I am not going to talk about leaf biochemistry: it is in any case part of a sequence of changes caused by the psi-field generator (the “dark” matter generator).

Magnolia «Iolannthe»


Magnolia «Betty»


Magnolia «Atlas»


Magnolia «Betty»


Magnolia «Atlas»


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia jungle


Magnolia «Susan»


We can observe the surprising changes that happen with every kind of plant. For example, it is impossible to see ripening seeds, buds and blossoming flowers simultaneously in magnolias caduc (Fig. 42) in any other place in the world. Someone may ask: “What use are large leaves, enormous flowers and the incredibly hasty growth of plants, in particular — magnolias?” The answer to this question is obvious! The amount and size of leaves determines the volume of photosynthesis from a unit of area which means the amount of biomass created by plants per unit of area and this is additional oxygen for Midgard-earth’s atmosphere!

This is the solution to the food problem without any chemical additives or multiplying crop areas, which means that man does not need to destroy the vegetable and animal worlds of the planet in order to avoid hunger! This means that man has the opportunity to stop the destruction of humanity and life on Midgard-earth! The possibility to get several crops or continuous fruiting during the season is a reliable answer to the food problem!

The ability of plants from almost all climatic zones to grow and bear fruits in one place has the most direct relation to the solution of the food problem for the whole of humanity! The incredibly rapid growth of plants makes it possible to recover the already destroyed forests on Midgard-earth quickly without the introduction of any restrictions on the wood consumption necessary for man’s needs! I can continue enumerating, but the above possibilities which the psi-field generator offers to us are enough to leave any spiteful critic without any arguments! Moreover, there is no need to take something from nature in order to get this kind of result: there is no necessity to build new factories and spend enormous sums of money and exploit new resources of the planet which humanity has pitilessly exploited for the last one or two hundred years! So, what happens on our estate is the real way out of civilization’s dead-end, probably, the only one...

Meanwhile, I will continue the story. Before I come to other “marvels” in our garden, I would like to draw your attention to another phenomenon which happened again with a magnolia. The sapling of Magnolia “Butterflies” planted together with all other magnolia saplings took root and even began to flower. In the second year, its flowers even acquired more pronounced yellow colour, unusual for this magnolia (Fig. 43). I wrote about it in details in “The Source of life–2”, but the amazing colour of the flowers of this magnolia is not today’s protagonist. The matter is that later a grown up sapling of Magnolia “Butterflies” was replanted in a new place and for some incomprehensible reason did not take root there, unlike all those other magnolia saplings which were transplanted into a new place.

This magnolia is very rare and when after the next winter its buds did not swell with spring life-force, we were all upset. The sapling of Magnolia “Butterflies” which already was not showing signs of life was replanted in a pot ... just in case, to see what would happen, as the program of “plant resurrection” was already installed in the psi-field generator. Because of the unbearable summer heat of 2003-2004 and the incessant winds blowing in one direction for a long time, many plants, both young plants and bicentenary trees, began to die.

When it began to happen and when specialists officially declared many trees dead, I brought a new program into the generator to restore the vital activity of almost dead plants. I also had to intervene directly in order to reanimate the already dead and still dying plants. For this purpose the sawing of already marked trees was halted. It is a pity that bicentenary sequoias, the pride of our park died as a result of the reasons mentioned above. I said to Svetlana that there was no harm in trying and we always can saw them down. Although some of the dead trees were already sawed down, others remained untouched!

As a result of my direct intervention and the influence of the psi-field generator almost all trees marked for sawing came back to life! The results of the “reviving” of dead trees surpassed all expectations. But let me come back to the dead Magnolia “Butterflies”... By the spring of this year its buds remained dead; there were no signs of life and this continued till the beginning of August. Most likely the process of regeneration was somewhat delayed and when the cumulative action of the psi-field generator reached some critical (for this plant) level ... a little miracle happened: in the middle of August the buds blossomed on the branches of the dying sapling of Magnolia “Butterflies”!

Although with a delay, this magnolia came back to life! Moreover, it rose from the dead in the most unbelievable, for this purpose, time — in August! To see the blossoming buds in August is tantamount to see a flowering lilac in January in northern countries. But the fact, no matter how unbelievable it would seem, remains the fact (Fig. 44). There is an orange pumpkin in the background of the picture which looks quite out of place with the blossoming buds of Magnolia “Butterflies” (Fig. 45). When one looks at light-green fluff of the already ready to open up buds of this magnolia (Fig. 46), he might well forget that it is already August, not April! The very fact that the Magnolia “Butterflies” which was without signs of life, resuscitated at all is unbelievable, but it is also incredible that this “resuscitation” happened in August!

All young magnolias planted in 2003 (Fig. 47) have turned into enormous trees and bushes over the course of five years (Fig. 48 and Fig. 49). Certainly, they are enormous for magnolias, and this does not mean that there are no magnolias higher than ours anywhere in the world. Of course, not! But the matter here is that our magnolias have reached such a height in only five years! And if we compare the height of other magnolias with the height of the “resuscitated” nursery transplant of Magnolia “Butterflies”, their unbelievable speed of growth will be very clear. In fact the nursery plant of Magnolia “Butterflies” “left the ranks” of magnolias which were all planted at the same time and were of almost identical size for only one and a half years.

But now the size of other magnolias and Magnolia “Butterflies”, which dropped out of the “race”, are incommensurable! The one and a half year gap revealed such an unbelievable difference in size! We can only surmise how they will be in five, ten, twenty and more years, taking into account their existent tendencies of development. I would like to remind readers that our magnolias grew with such unbelievable speed in soil which is considered to be incompatible living conditions both for magnolias and for the majority of other plants: limestone and red clay! It seemed to us that there was nothing more we could expect from magnolias caduc after all the abovementioned, but we were proved wrong: “marvels” under the influence of the generator of life continued to happen!

It happened that for several reasons I had to postpone the writing of this article and hoped to come back to it as soon as possible. However, this “soon” took three months! At first I was slightly disappointed that I did not finish the article as quickly as planned, but as the saying goes, everything happens for the best! I cannot say that everything in my life happened according to this saying, but in regard to the completion of this article it was correct by three hundred percent: there was an outstanding number of interesting changes which happened in our estate during these three months! I will begin with the description of more magnolia “marvels”.

More than a month passed from the moment when the magnolias effloresced for the second time in our garden, as new “marvels” appeared: at the end of August, 2008 newer and newer buds continued to appear on magnolias, and the most staggering fact was that on some magnolias buds appeared ... for the third time! Look at the photo of August, 23 2008 to see it for yourself (Fig. 50)!

Magnolia «Susan»


Magnolia «Susan»


Magnolia «Butterflies»


Magnolia «Butterflies»


Magnolia «Butterflies»


Magnolia «Butterflies»


Magnolias in 2003


Magnolias in 2008


Magnolias in 2008


Magnolia «Verbanica»


This is already the third “shift” of Magnolia «Verbanica»’s flowering in 2008! Involuntarily, the saying comes to mind: everything always happens in threes! However, this magnolia, probably, was not satisfied with the folk saying, because ... it decided to effloresce once again and buds appeared for the fourth time this year among its enormous leaves (Fig. 51). This miracle happened at the end of September, 2008! On the photo of September, 27, Magnolia «Verbanica»’s closed bud is next to the already mature seeds!

Such a neighbouring: a mature seed and an as yet unopened bud is an unbelievable phenomenon! When the buds appeared for the second time is was unbelievable, but we were already accustomed to the “marvels” on our estate and were not surprised, but we were shocked when an unbelievable phenomenon happened for the third and then for the fourth time! All the stages of these four flowerings of the Magnolia “Verbanica” were “frozen” in time in the photos which allows us to examine them simultaneously.

When buds appeared on Magnolia “Verbanica” for the second time the seeds from the first flowering were still quite green (Fig. 12). During the third flowering mature seeds turned red a little and by the fourth flowering they had ripened completely and their “houses” opened up and showed bright-red seeds which peeked out from their claret wrapping! It was not a casual “mad” bud which missed its flowering time, not at all: there were plenty of such buds among the enormous and fleshy leaves on the branches of Magnolia “Verbanica” at the very end of September. Moreover, there was also a whole seed “conveyer” on the branches of this magnolia (Fig. 52): the already ripe seeds of the first flowering and ripe seeds of the next flowering could be found on the same branch. We have to wait for mature seeds from the flowering at the end of September! It will be interesting to see if they will be able to ripen, as the temperature already dropped below zero in the Royal Valley at the beginning of October and reached eight degrees below zero by the end of month!

Incredible phenomena do not happen only with buds and mature seeds of the Magnolia “Verbanica”, but also with its leaves! In the photos taken in July, August and September the leaves look as though they have just appeared. They are fleshy, light-green and incredibly enormous! Only leaves that have recently appeared in spring have such a colour! By the way, leaves of such a size, thickness and structure cannot exist in general ... but they do exist and they are real! The speed of growth in plants which we observe can be found only in fantasy books, Nature was unable to create this even in a billion of years of development of life on Earth!

Look at the photos of magnolias taken in July, August and September! The flowering of magnolias four times a year is an unbelievable phenomenon which is impossible from the point of view of both Nature and modern science! The multiple magnolia flowering (and not only this) is a unique phenomenon also because magnolias caduc flower in the open and botanical gardens only before the leaves appear! The phenomenon which is observed in our magnolia garden has never been seen anywhere before, at least nobody has ever reported it!

Such an “anomaly” has also happened with other magnolias, including the Magnolia “Star Wars”. Its buds appeared among vivacious green leaves for the second time in July, then for the third time on the twentieth of August (Fig. 53) and, finally, for the fourth time — in the middle of September (Fig. 54). On the twentieth of September the enormous flowers of the Magnolia “Star Wars” began to open out showing their beauty to the Sun and the whole world and spreading a divine scent around (Fig. 55)...

The “resurrection” program which I added into the psi-field generator had quite unexpected manifestations. Not only dying or already dead trees underwent the “resurrection” or more precisely, the renewal, but also those which did not think to die and felt themselves quite well. There are a lot of Sequoia Sempervirens which have grown in our park for more than two hundred years and the cork layer of the bark, formed long ago, was a layer of dead cells (Fig. 56). Over the course of time they turned into rotten wood dust, which is quite normal! But something quite unbelievable happened with our Sequoia Sempervirens under the “resurrecting” action of the psi-field generator ... their two hundred year old bark has revived (Fig. 57 and Fig. 58)! Just take a look at the initial and renewed bark to see these qualitative changes in bicentenary sequoias (Fig. 59 and Fig. 60). The new cork layer differs also in its qualitative structure from the old cork layer and this can be seen with the naked eye.

Magnolia «Verbanica»


Magnolia «Verbanica»


Magnolia «Star Wars»


Magnolia «Star Wars»


Magnolia «Star Wars»


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


The renewal of the cork layer of Sequoia Gigantea indicates not only the renewal of this layer but also that these trees renewed completely. The old and new barks dramatically differ from each other (Fig. 61). It is also incredible that such old trees began to renew under the influence of the psi-field generator as they have grown in ordinary natural conditions for more than two hundred years. Only five years of the generator’s influence were required in order that trees which have passed “childhood” long ago began to change so stormily.

The fact that many types of trees, including sequoias, appeared to be very sensitive to sharp climatic changes played a positive role, no matter how strange it may sound. And here is why. We are now witnessing sharp climate changes on our planet, which, by the way, is not because of “global warming” (however, this is a subject of another story), and plants’ “sensitivity” to sharp temperature drops, frost, heat, insufficient moisture and the soil’s quality forced me to rescue the plants from death ... and as a result the psi-field generator was created and when one or another critical situation occurred I introduced new programs into it which succeeded in solving problems which before were considered insoluble!

All this led to quite unexpected results concerned our bicentenary sequoias, apart from their old bark renewal. Seven years ago lightning struck one of the sequoia-twins which died and was sawn down. Only a stump remained. So, seven years after its death and five years after the psi-field generator’s installation the stump of the sequoia dead from the thunderbolt ... came back to life (Fig. 62)! It is of interest that the surviving sequoia-twin had its bark renewed in 2008 and new shoots began to grow vigorously out of the stump of the seven year dead sequoia-sister! Sequoias’ dead bark was replaced by new live bark and the sequoia which had remained dead came back to life simultaneously with the bark renewal! If this tree had not been sawn down, it would have come back to life wholly! This is not a supposition or some working hypothesis, but a fact. But let me explain this step by step...

Bicentenary sequoias, chestnuts and many other coniferous and deciduous trees appeared to be very sensitive to sharp drops of temperature when the latter changed abruptly during just several days — from forty five or fifty degrees Celsius to twenty, and vice versa. A sharp temperature change of twenty or thirty degrees either up or down causes something like a “cold” in many trees. They badly weaken and fall sick; so, plants are very similar to people! As I already mentioned before, winds which blow in one direction for a long time render a similar negative influence on plants and trees. These weather conditions mentioned above have been repeatedly observed for the last decade.

Also, human “reasoning” activity has made an important “contribution” to ecological catastrophe. The games which the USA played with weather control, more precisely, the testing of meteorological weapons on their own allies, resulted in unbearable summer heat in Europe for several years. The main base of this “made in the USA” meteorological weapon is located in Alaska. Its special powerful emitters, using “peaceful telecasting and mobile communication sputniks” which were located on a synchronous orbit, created an enormous ionic lens over Europe. An ionic lens is another variant of the creation of an ozone hole, only in a strictly limited volume of space, when it is possible to create a hole easily, similar to the ozone one which appeared as a result of the thirty years “space era” of humanity, in any place on earth, not just over the Antarctic.

Before I continue, I think that it is necessary to clarify the concept of a synchronous orbit. A near-earth orbit is understood under the concept of a synchronous orbit when the speed of a satellite’s rotation around Midgard-earth coincides with the speed of rotation of our planet around its axis, in other words it is a geostationary orbit. In this case a satellite hangs above one place and does not move in relation to the surface of the planet. These “peaceful” satellites create over the whole of Midgard-earth a web like a bee honeycomb: every satellite is located in a knot of the cellular web. As well as TV or phone receiving and transmitting equipment, each “peaceful” satellite has other equipment.

Pumping this receiving and transmitting equipment with powerful radiation from the station in Alaska, the Americans formed an ionic lens in the necessary place in the planet’s atmosphere, a gap in Midgard-earth’s ozone layer, through which hard space radiation is brought down on the unprotected surface of the planet, burning out everything. Exactly as a result of these actions Europe faced the most unbelievable heat — up to 60 degrees Celsius in shade in 2003-2004! It resulted not only in the loss of harvest but also in death of many thousands of people from heart attacks brought on by the extreme heat. Doing this, the Americans tried to “prove” to all the “truth” about “global warming” behind which the desire to control the whole world is hidden and at the same time finally force the European Union to its knees in order that European countries do not even think to have their own opinion.

The destruction of European agriculture is needed in order to impose genetically modified products, which the USA began to produce on an enormous scale, firstly on Europe and then the rest of the world. Using such a covert method, which the majority of people knew nothing about, they planned to create an artificial deficit of products in Europe and force European countries to accept GM food products as their “help”. Thus, they would solve various tasks: making Europeans buy their products and ... causing the extinction of the European population, the greater part of which still consists of people of the white race.

The experiments with mice already showed that the second or third generation becomes sterile, when being fed GM products! Although the results of these experiments give irrefutable evidence as to what the use of such products can bring to people, the mass media is not in a hurry to inform the world community about it. The social parasites’ intention is very simple: when people have nothing to eat, they will readily swallow GM products, especially if the masses do not know with what consequences the use of these “salutary” products are fraught. The meat of cloned animals renders the same influence on man. So, these “games” with “global warming” and climate change have their reasons with a great deal of “human” element. One of these reasons is to create an artificial famine in Europe in order to foist GM products made in the USA on it which in essence are a genetic weapon intended to eliminate the white race!

When the system which had created the ionic lens over Europe was eliminated in 2004, the mass media briefly mentioned that the ozone hole over Europe had disappeared! The confirmation of this may well be the fact that, for example, in France the temperature reached almost 60 degrees Celsius in the shade in August of 2003! When this system was destroyed the temperature very rarely reached 40 degrees even in the hottest month in Europe — August. Also, it has constantly rained in France every August since, which never happened before, and the temperature was rarely more than 30 degrees Celsius. For example, on August 14, 2008 it was raining and the temperature did not rise higher than 15 or 16 degrees Celsius, and at night the temperature dropped to 7 degrees! All this happened in the middle of August which in France is traditionally considered to be the hottest summer month, when 45 or 50 degrees in the shade were considered almost a norm! All these facts indicate that the level of ultraviolet radiation which reaches the surface of the planet has considerably decreased. As we know, the level of the ultraviolet radiation, as well as the hard space radiation, directly depends on the state of the ozone layer above the surface.

Nevertheless, sharp temperature variations still happen, only towards lower temperatures and many plant types endure this with difficulty: they begin to get ill and die, as did one of our Sequoia Sempervirens. It shed all her needles, and thus stood out, a “skeleton” against the background of other trees which were able to survive hard ordeals. The influence of the psi-field generator, into which necessary working program changes were introduced, made this Sequoia Sempervirens come back to life again the next year (Fig. 63 and Fig. 64)! It was covered with new needles of a light green colour from top to bottom unlike its “neighbours” the needles of which were of a dark green colour except for the needles of this year’s young shoots. To be sure of this, it is enough to look at the photo (Fig. 65) where we can clearly see the bright green needles of the “resuscitated” sequoia and the dark green needles of those which did not go through “resuscitation”. At the same time, this sequoia is older than the neighbouring sequoias with dark green needles.

In the end of July and the beginning of August 2008 there was a sharp rise in the temperature of approximately 20 degrees and some days there was a sharp temperature drop. This double leap of the temperature, for such a short period of time, made Sequoia Sempervirens react: its needles became red, which in these trees indicates a stressed condition. These majestic trees appeared to be very delicate. Therefore, in order not to “revive” constantly dying trees, the working program of the psi-field generator will be modified very soon to change Sequoia Sempervirens qualitatively for the purpose of neutralizing this weakness. In other words, the next attempt will be to create fundamentally new abilities in plants, (in this case Sequoia Sempervirens) which will allow these and other plants to endure easily such harsh climatic variations. It turns out that practical necessity is a source of ideas for new alterations and new programs for the generator...

The introduction of new corrective programs in the psi-field generator allowed me to neutralize the influence of sharp temperature changes. The photo of the same sequoias taken on November 1, 2008 verifies this (Fig. 66): the “revived” sequoia still has bright green needles and there are almost no red needles either on it or other sequoias, so they survived considerable temperature drops without serious consequences for them. The “revived” Sequoia Sempervirens continues to be distinguished by its light green needles even at the beginning of November, 2008 and to grow very quickly, as, by the way, do the other sequoias and inhabitants of our vegetable kingdom (Fig. 67)…

I would like to tell about another Sequoia Sempervirens’s “oddity”. This summer these trees of venerable age (after all, they are more than two hundred years old) “decided to try” a growth acceleration program! For almost two months (July-August) these slow-growing trees which in their best young years added 10-20 cm a year grew upward by two meters (Fig. 68)! Their tops went up so quickly that they look like some out of place additions: they differ so much from the rest of the tree. They also differ in their fragility which is so inherent in young shoots. Also, they “decided” to occupy as much space around them as possible: their branches-paws growing very quickly, stretching young shoots in all directions as if “telling” their neighbours: “This is my place under the Sun!”

Our cedars keep pace in growth with the old sequoias. These trees of “noble blood” break all the records in growth this year, even their own. I already wrote about the “unbelievable adventures” of Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca (blue cedar) and Cedrus Deodara in the article “The Source of life–5”. Almost more than a month passed since I last mentioned these trees, as they again surprised us: new shoots appeared on still young shoots of the blue cedar. It is already the fourth generation of shoots of this year (Fig. 69). In the middle of July the first cones began to appear on the branches of blue cedar. Their number grew non-stop, and in the middle of August the branches of Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca sagged because of the enormous amount of cones (Fig. 70).

Sequoia Gigantea


Sequoia Gigantea


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Sequoia Sempervirens


Ñåêâîéÿ – Sequoia Sempervirens


Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca


Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca


Although they are far from being mature, they are already considerably bigger than the “normal” ones (Fig. 71).

So, our cedars break the records not only in the speed of growth but also in the productivity of cones. Cedrus Deodara has so many young shoots, and they are so large, that yet fragile shoots sag under their own weight and give the impression that this is not a cedar, but a weeping willow which has stretched its “hands” to Mother-earth (Fig. 72)!

Again, all this has the most direct practical application. Cedars are highly appreciated because of their wood and are pitilessly cut down all over the world. The incredibly quick growth of these majestic trees gives the possibility not only to stop further elimination of this tree, but also to recover very quickly that which human avidity has already destroyed. The unbelievable crops of cedar cones also have enormous value. Cedar nuts, cedar oil and other cedar products contain a unique combination of substances necessary for man to keep and renew his health!

So, whatever aspect we may consider, the results of the psi-field generator’s influence have the most direct practical application, and there is nothing in the world like it...

More very interesting and unbelievable phenomena happened with the monkey puzzle tree Araucaria araucana (Chilean Araucaria) since I last mentioned it in “The Source of life–5”. Only a month passed and new “miracles” did not keep us waiting. Araucaria araucana’s needle-shaped branches are tiered (Fig. 73). Every tier has four cross branches. This is the way they grow in their Motherland and botanical gardens all over the world. In August 2008 new additional branches began to appear at every tier of our Araucaria araucanas (Fig. 74) and (Fig. 75) [in the photos: (1) - “old” branches, (2) – new branches]. New shoots appeared not only on the higher tiers but also on the lowest (the “oldest”) ones (Fig. 76). So, the psi-field generator has influenced not only that part of each tree which has grown after the trees were brought to our estate, but also everything these trees had before. In other words, the psi-field generator changes everything in plants, independent of the previous conditions in which they were growing before they found themselves under the generator’s influence.

Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis also continues to change. Its leaves became enormous as early as 2005 (Fig. 77) and in the following years they did not diminish at all and also acquired new properties and qualities. They became wider and longer: more than 26cm wide and 36-38cm long (Fig. 78)! In addition to the size increasing, the leaves became thicker and acquired an unusual velvety smoothness. But this is not all! In 2005 the seeds of Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis were 3 or 4 times bigger than “normal” ones, and there were a lot of them (Fig. 79). In 2008 the still immature fruits are already bigger, and the harvest will be many times greater, it is even difficult to give some specific figures. In order to understand why, just look at the photo (Fig. 80).

Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca


Cedrus Deodara


Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree


Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree


Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree


Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree


Paulownia tomentosa – Imperialis


Paulownia tomentosa – Imperialis


Paulownia tomentosa – Imperialis


Paulownia tomentosa – Imperialis


Paulownia tomentosa has so many fruits this year that young branches cannot sustain their weight and consequently break (Fig. 81).

This year the Tree of Heaven — Ailanthus Altissima has surprisingly bright inflorescences (Fig. 82) which produce the impression, from a distance, that the trees are on fire, but as you get closer it becomes clear that this is numerous orange-red inflorescences which sway in the lightest breeze and create the illusion of living flame (Fig. 83).

Catalpa bignoides pleased us with its beauty too. It began to flower this year at the beginning of June, which is considerably early for this plant (Fig. 84). According to the reference data Catalpa bignoides starts flowering considerably later — from the end of July to the middle of August and flowers 20-25 days maximum (see “The Source of Life-5”). Such an early flowering could be explained by a warm winter followed by a very hot spring, but, in the first place ... the winter and spring of 2008 were very cold in France; there were even night frosts in May, so a hot spring is out of the question. In the second place, according to the specialists’ information, Catalpa bignoides flowers 7-10 days maximum in French weather conditions! Thirdly, at this time of year Catalpa bignoides effloresces only in our domain. This is a quite curious fact, and it is clear that phenomena which occur in our domain are a result of the generator’s influence, not some “natural anomaly”, because before I created this generator nothing of the kind, more precisely — nothing unusual at all, had happened in our domain for centuries! This is an objective fact which cannot be refuted or denied!

Let us review the Catalpas! They started flowering at the beginning of June (Fig. 84) after an extraordinarily cold spring and have flowered for the whole month (Fig. 85). Catalpa bignoides was not “satisfied” with a whole month of flowering and “decided” to beat its own record and continued to flower in the middle (Fig. 86) and ... then up to the end of July! Thus, Catalpa bignoides’ continuous flowering lasted two months which is another incredible fact!

Certainly, it does not mean that one and the same inflorescences have kept their flowers for two months: it “simply” means that new inflorescences replaced the faded ones and then newer and newer ones followed. Every time after a strong wind there was a carpet of tender catalpa flowers under the trees which covered the soil like “snow”, but new inflorescences just kept appearing. Owing to this continuous flowering, the impossible became possible — we can see flowering inflorescences on the branches of Catalpa bignoides together with ripening podded fruits (Fig. 87)! Catalpa’s flowers seem to be small, especially at a distance, not because they are small in reality, but because the leaves are very large: one catalpa’s leaf is 30cm wide and 30cm long (Fig. 88 and Fig. 89)! It is almost round and ... all leaves are of the same size on the catalpa’s branches. That is why its inflorescences and single flowers look small as compared with them. Just look at this “Hercules” (Fig. 90)!

Paulownia tomentosa – Imperialis


Tree of Heaven – Ailanthus Altissima (ðàéñêîå äåðåâî)


Tree of Heaven – Ailanthus Altissima (ðàéñêîå äåðåâî)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


Catalpa bignoides (êàòàëüïà)


This just cannot be, but the reality of the psi-field generator’s influence proves again that there is nothing impossible! Certainly, there is no need to change everything and make all the supposed impossibilities possible. An action just for the sake of it must not be considered a purpose simply in order to make the impossible possible and ... that’s all. The purpose should be to turn a fairy-tale into reality in order that man can leave the “Minotaur’s labyrinth” into which he was cunningly driven by social parasites: then man will stop being the enemy and the destroyer of Nature. Man can stop sawing off the bough on which he is sitting and recover the harmony with his Mother without damaging himself! There is no necessity to go back to the wild way of life in order to have a harmonious relationship with Nature! Man should be and is quite able to be in harmony with it and what is happening on our French estate under the influence of the psi-field generator serves as irrefutable evidence of it...

So, the impossible from the standpoint of a traditional scientific approach and from the position of what Nature has been able to create does not mean that it is impossible at all, and everything that happens on our estate proves it and makes it a here and now real fact, which is most important. Would not it be just great to turn a fairy-tale into reality: when hunger will disappear from the planet, when children will stop starving and dying and not because their piece of bread will be taken away from other children as was done almost always in the past; when man’s victory over hunger will not become a Pyrrhic victory over Mother-nature which, finally, will result in the death of man and of “subdued” Nature; when it will be possible to increase the harvest by many times without destroying the soil and it will not be exhausted, on the contrary, the incredibly enormous harvests will make it richer!? It is not a fantasy, but the absolute truth, reality and fact! So, let us come back to this unbelievable, for the majority of people, reality...

In July 2008 Catalpa bignoides surprised us again. Unexpectedly it began to shed leaves; new leaves appeared and were of enormous size and differed from the recently shed ones. It turns out that catalpa not only broke the record for continuous flowering but also renewed the leaves twice during one season! Nobody has ever seen the like of this! But now everyone can see this looking at the photo (Fig. 90)! ….

In “The Source of life–1” I described the changes which happened with a hazel. The changes which this plant underwent under the influnce of the psi-field generator were already significant in 2005 (Fig. 91)! Three years ago the size, form and the thickness of Hazel Corylus Colurna’s leaves were amazing, but ... only three years passed and its past “records” today look “juvenile”! These are not just words, look at the photo of 2008 and be sure of it personally! The hazel’s leaves became enormous: 53-54 cm long (Fig. 92) and 47-48 cm wide (Fig. 93)! The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas looks like a small notebook! And this is not just one “anomalous” leaf — in 2008 all the hazel’s leaves are of such a size. In order to get an even stronger impression of the size of the hazel’s leaves, look at the leaf in Svetlana’s hands (Fig. 94) and at our dog Ramzes, an enormous Newfoundland, near this leaf (Fig. 95)!

The fig’s leaves have done a tremendous “job” too! They became simply enormous in 2008, just three years after the planting of nursery plants! Ficus carica L. is a subtropical deciduous rubber plant. I wrote about this plant in “The Source of life–4” and “The Source of life–5”, where I gave its reference data, therefore I will get down to business right away... The fig’s leaves became unbelievably huge under the influence of the dark matter generator — it is enough to look at one of them to be, at least, very much surprised. When one looks at such a leaf, there is an impression that it is not an enormous leaf, but the hand is small. Certainly, Svetlana’s hand is not huge but very graceful; nevertheless, it is not a baby’s hand (Fig. 96)! In order to be sure of this, take a look at the leaf’s size (Fig. 97). Forty eight centimetres says it all. Just think! A fig leaf measuring 48 centimetres! It’s not a leaf, it’s a coverlet! Look at another photo where this fig leaf-coverlet almost fully covers Cory’s head and neck, an adult female St. Bernard dog serenely nibbling a crust of bread (Fig. 98).

This year this fig tree “decided” on showing off not only by the size of its leaves! It, primarily, staggered us by the size of its fruits and the number of harvests. But I will not put the cart before the horse. I will begin with the first surprises this plant presented us with this year... ovaries (the very beginning of fruit) appeared on the branches as early as the last ten days of April (Fig. 99). In April and even in May there were night frosts and the Sun did not do much to warm the soil which had been frozen during winter in the day-time, I say soil, but more precisely it is limestone and red clay and this is the “rich earth” of our French estate. Normally, figs ripen in the open air very late in France — at the end of summer and then only some varieties (more of this in “The Source of life–4 and 5”).

So, here are the surprises which our figs presented us with in 2008.

First, the size of our figs of each variety was several times bigger than that of their “brothers” outside the active area of the generator! Second, figs ripened extraordinarily early — much earlier than the first fruits in greenhouses! The figs of the “Moisson” variety ripened as early as June, (see “The Source of life-5”), here I will talk about other varieties. At the beginning of July the fruits ripened on a honey fig tree (Fig. 100).

Hazel Corylus Colurna


Hazel Corylus Colurna


Hazel Corylus Colurna


Hazel Corylus Colurna


Hazel Corylus Colurna


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


We can get an impression of their size, comparing them with Svetlana’s fingers (Fig. 101)! Both the size and the early ripening was a surprise, which, nevertheless, was by now almost expected, but what happened with these plants later, appeared to be a bolt from the blue!

New ovaries appeared next to figs as yet unripened on some trees (Fig. 102)! According to the reference data, a fig tree can fruit twice in a season — in July-August and at the end of September, but only in favourable conditions and far from every variety. Taking into account the conditions in which the fig trees grow in our garden, it is very surprising that they were able to ripen at all in a season; those fig varieties which grow alfresco and have good soil for their growing only produce fruits once a season!

At the same time we witnessed another interesting phenomenon! The first ovaries which appeared on young fig trees of the “Moisson” variety, planted at one and the same time into the same soil, etc, did not appear simultaneously! This means that each fig tree nursery plant of the same variety reacted to the generator’s influence differently! And this confirms the presence of individuality in plants! Although the difference in the reaction of different nursery plants of one and the same variety to one and the same influence of the dark matter generator was not huge, nevertheless, it was expressed quite clearly. We can note it in the photos of different nursery plants of the same variety which were taken on the same day and compare the maturity of fruits on one nursery plant (Fig. 102) and on another (Fig. 103). The ovaries on one “Moisson” nursery plant appeared only on July 5 (Fig. 104), and another nursery plant of “Moisson” variety had three “generations” of fruits simultaneously hanging on its branches (Fig. 105)!

Even two “generations” of fruits cannot possibly exist on a tree at one and the same time, but three “generations” on a branch is already science fiction squared! In the same day (July 5, 2008) ovaries were discovered on fig trees of the varieties “Golden” (Fig. 106) and “Honey” (Fig. 107)! In ten days the first generation of “Golden” figs is almost ripe (Fig. 108) and simultaneously the first ovary appears on another nursery plant under a grasshopper’s attentive stare (Fig. 109). The figs grow extraordinarily quickly and achieve maximum size in very short period of time.

Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


By July 21, 2008 the branches of fig trees of the variety “Golden” were simply covered with ripening fruits and the most interesting thing was that their size differed from tree to tree (Fig. 110, Fig. 111, Fig. 112 and Fig. 113).

The ovaries of the variety “Honey” appeared again on the branches on July 23, 2008 (Fig. 114 and Fig. 115) and in the same day three generations of figs of this variety were discovered on another tree (Fig. 116)! In the same day three generations were found on a fig tree, this time of the variety “Moisson” and already in the phase of ripening (Fig. 117)! It appears that we observe some kind of natural conveyer which began to work from the middle of April and does not even “think” to stop working! This is not a maximal two crops a year, as written in reference books, but at least ten crops a season! And this season is at its height; we can see it on the photo of July 23, 2008 with a “Golden” variety fig (Fig. 118) and another photo of the same day with another tree which figs have just begun to fill with vital energy (Fig. 119)!

It is really amazing how plants react to the psi-field generator’s influence: each plant reacts distinctly, in its own way, despite the fact that they are of one variety and were planted in the same lime soil and at one and the same time!

A similar picture can be observed in August: fig trees are covered with several generations of fruits (Fig. 120).

Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Mature figs are considerably bigger than their “colleagues” outside our estate (Fig. 121). However, not only the “Golden” variety “lasted” till August, “Honey” and “Moisson” continued to ripen in August too (Fig. 122)!

Oddly enough, but the fig “marathon” did not stop in August! In the middle of September the fig “conveyer” worked as properly and regularly, as it had in previous months. Again we could see serveral generations of figs on the branches (Fig. 123). It is enough to look at the next photo in order to understand that all this happens in reality and nobody plays a trick on anybody (Fig. 124). In the middle of September a new ovary appeared on the fig tree of “Honey” variety (Fig. 125). At the end of September the fig trees actively continue to produce fruits: again we can see mature, ripening and green figs on a branch (Fig. 126)!

Involuntarily a question may arise: where do they get enough life-force to grow in almost pure limestone and to produce so many harvests in a season, especially when there was a frost almost every night at the end of September — the beginning of October? As if nothing happened, there are a lot of ripening and green figs on the branches of “Moisson” variety in October (Fig. 127), as well as on a very tender “Honey” variety (Fig. 128). Their fruits continue to ripen even with night frosts (Fig. 129) and some nights the frosts became stronger and reached 8 degrees Celsius below zero, but the figs continued to ripen (Fig. 130)!

Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


You might want to know that all varieties of figs planted on our estate do not belong in the frost-resistant category! Moreover, some very delicate varieties “hid” amongst them, about which I will tell later, and meanwhile I will come back to our “heroes”, because their “heroism” is not over yet! At the end of October night frosts became stronger and stronger and rain drops on leaves and fruits turned into “diamonds” sparkling in the rays of the rising Sun which, unfortunately, made them melt quickly. Some fig trees “came to their senses” and shed their leaves: ripening and mature figs continued to show off on bashfully-bare branches (Fig. 131). The “Honey” fig is not only enormous for this plant, but also does not look frozen, as if there were not strong enough night frosts! In the photo we can see the drops of frozen water on a spider web and the fig is safe and sound! Fruits could possibly ripen in night temperatures below zero but only when the arboreal juice, the plants’ blood, does not freeze!

However, fig trees do not have a thick cork layer, which would protect a living tree from being frozen, never mind their fruits. The night frosts which reached -8…-10 degrees Celsius should surely have frozen their arboreal juice and certainly figs are able to ripen in these weather conditions only in one case — when the arboreal juice cannot freeze! This is possible only when the molecular structure of water — the basis of the arboreal and the fruit’s juice — is qualitatively changed, which happened under the influence of the dark matter generator after I introduced some modifications in its program. I wrote about them in “The Source of life–3” and “The Source of life–4”.

Plants stopped freezing owing to changes brought into the psi-field generator, the purpose of which was to prevent the tropical and subequatorial plants of our park and garden from dying from frost. As a result of these changes the molecules of water which form the arboreal juice created clusters (conglomerations of molecules of water) which prevented it from freezing even at temperatures of 8...20 Celsius below zero! This correction in the psi-field generator resulted in all other plants acquiring these new qualities including heat-loving varieties of fig trees! In fact only the “Moisson” variety is from the south of France; all the others have Spanish roots, both directly and figuratively! Nevertheless, all these “super-heat-loving” varieties calmly endure temperatures below zero and continue fruiting, ignoring the seasons.

Even when some fig trees shed their leaves, we could see three generations of figs on the bare branches in November (Fig. 132). On shedding old leaves, some fig trees decided to provide themselves with new leaves at the end of October into the beginning of November despite the frosts and the fact that spring is still far away (Fig. 133). This is not a single case: when the old leaves were shed new leaves appeared on the “Honey” fig tree too (Fig. 134). To tell the truth, on looking at a new light-green fig leaf, it is quite difficult to imagine that it was born when the night temperature was below zero, and sometimes even the day temperature in November was also below zero!

The quite green fruit of a “Honey” fig tree produces the same striking impression. In order to be sure that all this is not a joke on my part take a good look at the photo of November 9, 2008, on which the ripening fruit of a “Honey” fig tree is shown against the background of that day’s newspaper (Fig. 135)! Svetlana took the last pictures of the ripening figs on November 11, 2008 (Fig. 136 and Fig. 137), but this does not mean that the fruiting is over! We continued observing the “wonders” in our domain! Before I dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s” in the 2008 fig “marathon”, I would like to mention two more heroes. They are both “Spaniards”!

The first one is “Spanish black”. This fig variety differs from its French colleague “Moisson” by the density of the black colour and the form of the figs (Fig. 138). In 2008 this variety produced fruits “only” twice, just as did all its “colleagues” outside our estate and, therefore, this “Spaniard” did not become one of the protagonists of the fig “marathon”. But the very fact that this variety simply survived in, for it, unbelievable conditions, speaks volumes, just as does the fact that young nursery plants gave two full-fledged harvests this year!

However, it was not this variety that gave us the greatest surprise; it was another “Spaniard”, of the “Bloody” variety. Its nursery plants were planted in 2005 together with all the others as an experiment, the essence of which was to observe whether this variety would take root, as the “Bloody” fig tree is an extremely heat-loving plant. This plant grows at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees Celsius in its Motherland! If the temperature drops lower than 18 degrees these tender plants die. Therefore, the next “miracle” was that this heat-loving plant did not die in frosts of 18 degrees below zero Celsius, because this was precisely the low temperature in winter in the Royal valley for the past few years, see “The Source of life-2, 3 and 4”.

Despite these frosts, the “Bloody” variety fig trees did not die and even leaves appeared in time, but ... there were no fruits in the early years. And only in 2008 did they finally appear for the first time ... at the end of October with night frosts, when the night temperature was -8 degrees (Fig. 139)! Nevertheless, the fruits ripened fully and reached a bigger size than they get in their Motherland in the optimal conditions (Fig. 140).

Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


Ficus carica L.


The photo clearly shows that the fruit of this “Bloody” fig tree has ripened fully and there is no any sign of it being frostbitten! This fact indicates that even subtropical plants show no reaction to frost whatsoever! The structure of the fig is absolutely intact, but it should be broken if the juice had frozen! The fruit juice, as well as the arboreal juice, should freeze at a temperature below zero, but this did not happen, which proves the fact that the structure of water has changed in plants under the influence of the dark matter generator!

However, not only the “Bloody” variety fig trees surprised us at the end of October: another tropical native, the Japanese plum, (Photinia Japonica from the family of Rosaceae. Japanese Plums), which you already know well from the articles in “The Source of life–3” and “The Source of life–4”, also brought some surprises for us. The Japanese plum effloresced in the second half of October of 2008 when the strong night frosts were observed (Fig. 141)! Apparently it was very “happy” to flower in October and produce fruits in winter! Despite pretty strong night frosts the buds of the Japanese plum blossomed normally “paying no attention” to them; its leaves are thick and fleshy and also “ignore” frosts (Fig. 142)! The Japanese plum continued to flower despite the incessant night, and sometimes day, frosts. Almost a month has passed, but the Japanese plum continues to flower as if nothing happened; there are a lot of flowers among green leaves, neither of which have suffered from the already pretty “nippy” frosts. Newer and newer buds open themselves to the wintry Sun and spread a wonderful fragrance around (Fig. 143)!

Another native of south-east Asia pleased us this year with its wonderful flowers — Nelumbo nucifera “alba”. The White Lotus can be found in the wild very rarely and grows in European botanical gardens with artificial heating. In our domain the White Lotus grows in the open air, as do all other plants, and did not die after the biting frosts of the last few years, which is also surprising! Moreover, this tender plant with amazingly beautiful flowers bloomed frenetically this year under the influence of the psi-field generator (Fig. 144)! It is enough to look at these really delightful flowers closely to understand why this plant is called sacred (Fig. 145).

However, not only the Lotus impressed us with its beauty and unusual behaviour under the influence of the generator. The next hero of this article is a plant called Passiflora Sayonara, a hybrid which French selectionists bred when crossing two varieties Passiflora Caerulea and Passiflora Amethystina. The nursery plants of this exotic vine were planted in 2006 and in 2008 it surprised even us, Svetlana and me, who are already so accustomed to the different “wonders” in our domain due to the dark matter generator. Before I tell about actual wonders related to this plant, I would like to expound about this hybrid and its parents. The necessity of such an approach will become clear soon because such increased attention to the “parents” of the hybrid is related to an unbelievable phenomenon which manifested this year, but … let me take one step at a time...

The first “parent” is a native of Brazil and Peru with all the consequences that may follow from this fact. This plant grows very well and even if taken back to the ground by a hard frost will usually come back again. Nevertheless, it is best to protect it from frost for the first year when the root system is not strong enough.

Passiflora Caerulea — the Blue Passion Flower — this is its Latin name translated, is a perennial herbaceous vine which can achieve 6-9 meters high native to southern Brazil and Argentina. Its stem is smooth and rounded, with long-rod, coriaceous, alternate palmately three-lobed leaves which are green above and grey below. The flower is on a long peduncle, 5-7 cm in diameter, with a double perianth; petals are pale-purple, stamens are highly raised in the form of a column, pistils are numerous. There are two rings of long, threadlike, coloured fringes between the corona and stamens which give a unique beauty to the flowers (Fig. 146). The fruit is an edible, yellow-orange berry with black seeds (Fig. 147). The Blue Passion Flower blooms in July-August and can flower almost the whole year round in its natural conditions in South America.

The second “parent” of our hybrid is Passiflora amethystina (Passiflora Tocaja).

Passiflora Amethystina is native to Brazil. It has violet flowers (Fig. 148). The fruit is of oval form and violet colour (Fig. 149). They achieve a size of 5-6 cm. In Europe this passiflora can grow only in closed and well heated quarters. The fruits acquire a violet colour only when growing in subtropical conditions.

Now, that Passiflora Sayonara’s “genealogy” is clear, we can come back to the matter...

The cuttings of Passiflora Sayonara’s hybrid were planted in 2006. They were about 20 cm long, and despite the frost of the last winters, took root quite well in limestone, which again, “scientifically” cannot happen in principle, because it can never happen! Nevertheless, the nursery plants took root in limestone, became strong and began to grow impetuously. In 2007 Passiflora Sayonara bloomed, but nothing special happened with this plant. It is also true that nobody paid special attention to it, because there were plenty of other “wonders”.

Apparently our behaviour “offended” this plant and Passiflora Sayonara “decided” to get our attention, and did it so dramatically that Svetlana and I were astonished! In 2008 Passiflora Sayonara began to flower at the end of May, even despite May of this year being very cold and rainy. Passiflora Sayonara’s flowers differ in their outward appearance both from the flowers of the blue passiflora and the amethystine passiflora, but are closer to the flowers of the blue one (Fig. 150). Each flower flowers for 10-12 days, whereupon the ovary of the fruit appears. Our Passiflora Sayonara began to flower at the end of May and did not even “think” of stopping.

Photinia Japonica


Photinia Japonica


Photinia Japonica


The White Lotus – Nelumbo nucifera «alba»


The White Lotus  – Nelumbo nucifera «alba»


Passiflora Caeruela


Passiflora Caeruela


Passiflora Amethystina


Passiflora Amethystina


Passiflora Sayonara


This plant drew Svetlana’s attention by the almost “alien space” beauty of its flowers when they opened their white-blue “suns” to meet the real Sun. Again this plant drew Svetlana’s attention when she saw the ripening of Passiflora Sayonara’s fruits which happened ... on July 26, 2008 (Fig. 151). It is of interest that the fruit was considerably bigger than the fruit of the blue passiflora and even the amethystine passiflora! Its colour was brown-violet and in Svetlana’s opininion, who like a true experimenter checks everything out for herself, it was delicious! And then ... “wonders”, which are possible only in our domain, began! When Svetlana paid attention to Passiflora Sayonara for the next time, its ripening fruits were already crimson and much bigger than before (Fig. 152). This event happened on September 4, 2008!

There was an impression that Passiflora Sayonara could not “decide” what size and colour its fruits should have! In October Passiflora Sayonara continued to flower, as if nothing happened, despite night frosts which, in principle, are incompatible with the requisite living conditions of this subtropical plant (Fig. 153). Look at its flower which looks like a royal order surrounded by “diamonds” of frozen raindrops (Fig. 154)! It would seem that such night frosts at the end of September and t he beginning of October of 2008 must kill not only flowers but also the vine. But this did not happen and at the end of October this subtropical plant continued to flower, ignoring frosts which grew stronger at night and appeared in day-time too (Fig. 155)!

The flowering Passiflora Sayonara looks, at least, unusual on the background of a frozen spider web! However, this photo is yet more exotic because we can see two absolutely different types of leaves on one and the same Passiflora Sayonara! First one is light geen and the second one is dark green! Moreover, the leaves differ from each other not only in colour but also in form and size. This is especially impressive when one sees a healthy, absolutely undamaged by frost, flower of this subtropical plant and its different leaves on the same shoot surrounded by grass covered in thick white frost which says it got pretty cold that night (Fig. 156)!

The temperature of –8...–10 degrees Celsius did not kill Passiflora Sayonara and, moreover, failed to prevent the fruit ripening. And what is more, we can see on the same liana fruits of both colours: crimson and brown-violet (Fig. 157). It may seem that Passiflora Sayonara still cannot “decide” what colour and size its fruits should be! Despite such vagueness, the crimson (Fig. 158) and brown-violet (Fig. 159) fruits quietly ripened, by November 9! But this is not all! A lot of ripening fruits can be observed on Passiflora Sayonara on November 14, 2008 and this time they are of one colour — brown-violet; and there is a just faded flower and ... a new bud near them (Fig. 160)!

Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


In order to be sure that it is the middle of November, look at the photo with the newspaper (Fig. 161).

But surprises related to Passiflora Sayonara were not over yet. Its nursery plants were simultaneously planted along the perimeter of our small garden. Nevertheless, the nursery plants of the same hybrid reacted to the influence of the psi-field generator differently. This is related to the fact that the influence of the dark matter generator in our estate is equal all over, but ... the place itself is heterogeneous! The soil has different structures and qualitative composition; the underground waters have different depth and composition; the thickness, qualitative composition and orientation of dark matter (primary matters) streams and a lot of other characteristics are different!

As a result of all of this, the reaction of plants of even the same type or hybrid to the influence of the psi-field generator is different, as observed in the case of Passiflora Sayonara, especially in those places where the aggregate influence of the above indicated factors in one area of the surface differs dramatically from the influence on another. The size of a place and its position does not matter in this case, but only the properties and qualities of the surface. Exactly this factor resulted in that Passiflora Sayonara’s nursery plants which were planted simultaneously reacted to the influence differently (Fig. 162).

The leaves of two different Passiflora Sayonara’s nursery plants differ from each other incredibly! One would never say that it is one and the same hybrid, looking at these two stems! Leaves differ in their size, form, colour, structure and oily covering. It is obvious that they have pretty different biochemistry and in order to be sure of this, there is no need to do a biochemical analysis, it is enough to look at them more attentively (Fig. 163). Besides, the leaves also differ from each other in their form. The leaf ¹ 1 differs from the leaf ¹ 2 in all parameters, just as it differs from the leaf ¹ 3, which, in its turn, differs from the leaf ¹ 4 (Fig. 164). Well, the future will show what will come out of this, and meanwhile I will tell about other heroes...

Our first hero will be the red currant (Ribes vulgare Lam). In 2008 it ripened extraordinarily early despite the cold spring, especially May and produced its first harvest in the first half of June, and already then the berries were bigger than ordinary ones (Fig. 165). “The Source of life–5” I already wrote about this phenomenon, but ... as it appeared later, the “wonders” had just begun. In two weeks it produced the second harvest which was simply unbelievable! When you look at the red currants of the second harvest, it seems that you see a large bunch of … grapes which is red because of some misunderstanding. The berries are simply enormous and the bunch itself is of an unbelievable size (Fig. 166)! This is a not casual whim of nature; almost every bunch of the red currants of the second harvest is just as enormous (Fig. 167). Every berry is more than one centimetre in diameter, and the biggest ones are 1.5-2 cm in diameter (Fig. 168)! Can you imagine red currants with a diameter of 1.5-2 centimetres! It is incredible! Not only the berries are enormous, but also the clusters are of striking size which are of fifteen centimetres long and more (Fig. 169).

Cherries ripened at the end of June and they were also enormous! Compared with the berries of the red currants, they look like Gullivers! Cherries are, at least, three times bigger than the red currant berries (Fig. 170).

Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


However, the red currant’s “Odyssey” of 2008 was not over: in September our red currants produced berries for the third time (Fig. 171)! The third harvest of red currants in one season! Isn’t it surprising!? However, this harvest was not the last one! The next, already the fourth harvest of this season appeared on the bushes of the red currants at the end of September, and its berries are again more than one centimetre, and the length of every bunch is more than twenty centimetres (Fig. 172 and Fig. 173)! Although the September bunches are not as luxuriant as those of the end of June, nevertheless, bunches and berries are still enormous!

Like the berries of the red currants and cherries, the blackberries responded boisterously to the influence of the psi-field generator too. Although mature berries appeared at the end of July and the beginning of August, 2008, nobody expected anything extraordinary from this plant (Fig. 174). The July “revolution” happening under the influence of the dark matter generator affected this plant too: its ripening berries became bigger and bigger (Fig. 175) by leaps and bounds. The berries increased their size, as if some unknown force “inflated” them from within. And this “unknown” force was the dark matter generator under the impact of which the blackberries increased their size and quantity so quickly (Fig. 176). In September, 2008 the blackberries became “indecently” enormous (Fig. 177 and Fig. 178): from three to four centimetres in diameter! They continued to ripen also in October and in the middle of November despite strong frosts round the clock (Fig. 179). Look at the next photo of enormous blackberries (Fig. 180)!

In fact, in 2008 all our berries decided to break all “world records” among berries both in size and term of continuous fruiting. As I already mentioned before, the qualitative jump in the reaction of almost all plants happened after a five-year term of the generator’s working.

the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam


the blackberries – Rubus Caesius


the blackberries – Rubus Caesius


the blackberries – Rubus Caesius


the blackberries – Rubus Caesius


Åæåâèêà – Rubus Caesius


the blackberries – Rubus Caesius


the blackberries – Rubus Caesius


The raspberries keep pace with them. Although the red and yellow raspberries of this year could not compete with the blackberries and red currants in their size, but nevertheless, they also showed themselves heroes! I will begin with the red raspberries or Rubus daeus. In 2008 they ripened by the middle of June (Fig. 181). The ripening berries pleased us with their size, productivity and the duration of fruiting. The red raspberries (Rubus daeus) continuously produced fruits during the whole June (Fig. 182), July (Fig. 183), August (Fig. 184), September (there are no photos), October (Fig. 185, Fig. 186, Fig. 187, Fig. 188) and November (Fig. 189, Fig. 190, Fig. 191).

The night frosts began at the end of September and, strengthening with every passing day, lasted through the whole of October and November. Therefore there are so many photos of the red raspberries in October and November: in order to give exhaustive proofs of the fact that the red raspberries continued to flower, its berries formed quite normally, despite increasing night frosts, lack of sunlight and almost incessant rain! As we can clearly see, the raspberries now normally ripen in such conditions till the middle of November, and, moreover, young and quite healthy leaves appear on their bushes despite the fact that, by then, the night frosts have reached –10 degrees Celsius! It is highly likely that the fruiting of the red raspberries will proceed for some more time, but ... even today we can register almost six months of continuous flowering and fruiting! Please note that all this is happening on the worst soil and without any chemicals!

the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


There was another participant in the “berry marathon”, the “sister” of the red raspberries — the yellow raspberry (Rubus ellipticus)!

It began to produce berries also at the beginning of June (Fig. 192). This variety is a very tender one and very fastidious about its growing conditions and the temperature and consequently, it was possible to expect almost any reaction from Rubus ellipticus, but not that which happened!

In the middle of August the yellow raspberries calmly continued to bear berries (Fig. 193), which could be considered quite “normal”, if it were not for one “but”. It is a very heat-loving plant and the night frosts, which I repeatedly mention, began from the end of September. Nevertheless, the heat-loving yellow raspberries bore berries at the end of September (Fig. 194), in October (Fig. 195) and at the beginning of November (Fig. 196), when night temperatures dropped down to 10 degrees below zero! It is also interesting that its leaves were not touched by the frost in September, October and at the beginning of November and looked as if they just abandoned their spring “bud-houses”. Even pretty strong night frosts did not influence either their leaves or the ripening of their berries!

The plants’ arboreal juice-blood does not freeze in them anymore! This happened under the influence of the psi-field generator when a special program for the arboreal juice structuring so that it would not freeze was installed in the dark matter generator three years ago. More and more plants become invulnerable to frost with every year of its working!

Thus, the duration of continuous fruiting of the yellow raspberries this year was also more than five months!

But the undoubted record-holder among berries was Fragaria ananassa, the strawberry! It flowered in April (Fig. 197) which was considerably later than in previous years because of a very cold spring and the lack of sunlight. As a result, its berries ripened in the second half of May (Fig. 198) and since then flowering and fruiting has not stopped. At the same time, the strawberries compensated for their “lateness” by the size of the berries and their plenitude (Fig. 199). Look at the photo (Fig. 200): the ripe berries are next to very green ones (the two last photos were taken on the same day).

the red raspberries – Rubus daeus


the yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus


the yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus


the yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus


the yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus


the yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


In July, 2008 the strawberries were still flowering and at the same time producing berries (Fig. 201 and Fig. 202)!

When I look at these magnificent berries and understand that there is not a drop of any kind of chemical in them and that they are “woven” from light by living nature, I am confident that man will be able to overcome his developmental technocratic crisis without killing Nature in the process! Certainly, all the above is irrefutable proof of this, but ... these berries, saturated with sunlight, just shout it (Fig. 203)! In August mature berries are neighbouring just opened flowers (Fig. 204). The berries are full of living force (Fig. 205) and never turn into some uneatable mucus being stored for some days in a refrigerator as usually happens with “strawberries” which are cultivated in greenhouses with the use of chemicals!

September was rich in berries just as were all previous months of this year, and the size of berries was not smaller, but even bigger (Fig. 178). Nothing changed in October, despite strong night frosts. Every morning new flowers opened their “faces” to greet the Sun, only the latter did not peek through the shroud of autumn clouds every day (Fig. 206). Ignoring the increased night and day frosts, the strawberries continued to flower and bear berries in the middle of November (Fig. 207).

Mushrooms, too, gave us a lot of unexpected surprises and this year they were those mushrooms... of which nobody has heard for very long time! Well, I will not hurry and will tell everything step by step.

I will begin with the mushroom Shiitake (other names Chinese black mushroom and black forest mushroom) which has been cultivated in south-east Asia for more than a thousand years. Shiitake is the most popular tree mushroom in Japan! This means that it grows on rotten wood, but on our estate it grows in ordinary glades where there is no wood at all (either growing or rotten) and on almost pure limestone (Fig. 208)! Readers can be sure that these really are Shiitake and not another mushroom by looking at the photo where the structure of this mushroom’s cap is clearly visible and which is impossible to confuse with anything else (Fig. 209). The size of our Shiitake is considerably bigger than “normal” and they look more succulent than their “colleagues” (Fig. 210).

the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


the strawberry – Fragaria ananassa








They are so mouthwatering that our St. Bernard dog Cory is ready to have them as a snack while others just think about it (Fig. 211)! The July “invasion” of “the Japanese” was far from being the last one. In August these mushrooms “attacked” again (Fig. 212 and Fig. 213). The “occupied” by Shiitake territory became considerably greater this year than it was last year which is a sure sign of the fact that its mycelium grows vigorously in limestone! Not on wood or sawdust, but precisely in limestone which is, according to the data impossible but, nevertheless, a fact!

It was a complete surprise for us when we saw the Royal mushroom or Black champignon (Fig. 214 and Fig. 215) in a glade. The surprise was that nobody knew what mushroom this was, because it ... disappeared from the glades of the Royal Valley more than one hundred years ago! There was a time when the Black champignon grew in the Royal Valley and was a favourite mushroom of Louis XI who lived in this valley, just as did other French kings before and after him. This is how the valley came to be called Royal and there are many royal castles in it even now. The Royal mushroom or Black champignon could be found only in the forests and glades of this valley! Louis XI liked it so much that he paid its weight in gold! However, the Black champignon gradually disappeared. This legend about the Royal mushroom was found accidentally when we found the first Black champignon.

This mushroom is not mentioned in the specialized reference books. Only an elderly neighbour, a Frenchman, when this mushroom was shown to him, remembered that his grandfather told him a legend about the Royal mushroom and that it had disappeared without trace from the glades and forests of the Royal valley... Nobody understood the reason why this mushroom disappeared, but they should have! The matter is not even in the mushroom itself…, but everything will be said in due time, and meanwhile I will continue the story about the mushrooms in our park. The Black champignons began to “repair an omission” quickly making up for the time they missed. More and more of these mushrooms pushed through the grass (Fig. 216 and Fig. 217). This took place not only in July, but also at the end of September, so that we had two harvests of Black champignons in one season.

With all this going on, a question arises: Why did this “never to return” mushroom appear within the bounds of our estate, while there is still not a trace of it anywhere else, at least, these mushrooms cannot be found in the Royal Valley?

First, it would be correct to understand why this mushroom disappeared. It did not disappear because the environmental conditions changed sharply (because they did not), but because of the constantly increasing influence of man’s technological activity on Nature. In other words, when contamination of the environment reached a certain, toxic to this mushroom level, this variety disappeared. We can say that it died out, or, at least, its mycelia and spores fell asleep waiting for the best time. In fact, the mycelia and especially spores of a mushroom can be kept viable for a very long time. It is a natural survival mechanism of living organisms, especially mushrooms.

Thus, the question of how these mushrooms disappeared from the Royal Valley has been cleared up. Now we should find out: why did these mushrooms reappear and only in our domain? They disappeared because of the contamination of their natural environment and ... could appear again only if the reason for their disappearance was taken away — in other words, if the ecological state of this mushroom’s usual habitat came back to the conditions in which the black champignon normally grew! Let us now determine why the ecology was restored at precisely at this time and as a result of what!?

The favourable, for black champignons, environment has been restored but only within the bounds of our domain and only under the action of the dark matter generator! The restoration of the necessary environmental conditions, as a reason for them to reappear, follows from the fact that these almost forgotten mushrooms disappeared more than one hundred years ago due to contamination!

We should take into account that the psi-field generator does not work at random: in order to get a certain result from its action, it is necessary to install a corresponding program in it first and then debug it to perfection!

However, nobody designed any program specifically for black champignons; they appeared as a side effect of one of the generator’s main programs – purification. At the very beginning I installed the main program for water, soil, the underground waters and air to be purified with regard to any contamination and pollutants. As we can see, five years of the psi-field generator’s working resulted in the purification of the environmental conditions to such a level that the sleeping mycelia and spores of the black champignons woke up! If we take into account that favourable conditions for this mushroom disappeared more than one hundred years ago, then we should assume that under the influence of the dark matter generator, the ecological climate within the bounds of our domain was restored to at least the level of the 19th century! And if we take into account how frenetically these mushrooms rushed to the light after a very long “hibernation”, it is highly likely that the environmental conditions were restored to those which prevailed in the days of Louis XI in the far away 15th century.

This fact makes me affirm that it is possible not only to stop further destruction of our planet’s damaged ecology, but to renew everything destroyed by man’s “reasoning” activity!

This means that it is possible to stop the extinction of many thousands of types of vegetable and animal organisms and return a lot of extinct types of vegetable organisms into Midgard-earth’s Nature! The fact that this kind of thing is possible obviously ensues from what happened with the black champignon. Certainly, depending on the degree of contamination, different places will require more than five years of the dark matter generator’s working. It is also possible, that decades of its continuous work will be necessary in order to return other types of the vegetable world.

Actually, the terms are not so important; what really matters is the fact that it is possible to carry out the likes of this in practice, and to do this there is no need to use harmful chemicals or anything of the kind, but is enough to create a dark matter generator which will structure the space so that any contamination disappears, including radioactive! This generator does not need petrol, coal, wood or electricity. It provides everything necessary for its own functioning using space structuring without violation of natural harmony and keeping the space “cloth” intact! How it can be done is already another question. The main conclusion is that everything taking place now in our domain is possible for the whole of Midgard-earth; however, this will happen when the time comes! Meanwhile it takes place only within the limits of our domain...

Not only the black champignons underwent this kind of “treatment”, a similar fate could be expected for other extinct or disappeared mushrooms! Actually, mushrooms are just the “first swallows”, because they are the most ancient of living organisms, and they live in soil and depend on its state dramatically. Before I come to other mushroom “wonders”, I would like to finish the tale about champignons. Different types of champignons co-exist peacefully within the bounds of our domain. The white champignon, which everyone knows very well, feels perfectly at home here; however, our white champignons grow in glades and in natural conditions, and thus, strongly differ from those we buy in shops which are cultivated with the help of chemical fertilizers with all the upleasant consequences!

Certainly, not everybody can grow champignons for his own needs in natural conditions, and this is not necessary! It is enough to grow champignons and other mushrooms (and not only mushrooms) without any chemical fertilizers, even on an industrial scale, just using the psi-field generator! The practical confirmation of it already exists... Meanwhile, let me come back to white champignons and relate how they “feel”, growing in limestone of our domain! I can say that their “state of health” in such terrible, for them, conditions ... is quite normal, and I would even say perfect (Fig. 218)! As a matter of fact, this year was especially rich in surprises provided by the mushroom kingdom: as if out of nowhere, the caps of mushrooms, either very rare or already disappeared in France, began to appear here and there. Some of these mushrooms grew only in France, others were local subspecies. One way or another, the mushroom “revolution” has taken place!

Amanita Strobiliformis (or Amanite 'pomme sapin in French) forced their way through to the surface (Fig. 219). They are still young, but we already can see brownish growths reminiscent of cone scales on their caps; probably they were the reason for such a strange name for a mushroom. In fact, I have never seen mushrooms with such a relief design on the cap; neither have I read a description of anything of this kind. Certainly, I am not a professional and experienced mushroomer, because there were not many mushrooms where I lived: I have only very limited experience of collecting champignons in the field-protecting forest plantations in Salskie steppes, and then both brown and orange-cap boletuses and white mushrooms in the forests of Moscow suburbs. However, I read a lot about mushrooms which grow on the territory of the former Soviet Union, and have never met a description of mushrooms of such a strange form, as this stone-like mushroom.

However, this was not the only surprise of its kind to appear this year: an incredible looking mushroom appeared in the glades of our park. It appeared to be edible and, moreover, its taste is highly estimated in cookery. It is called Coprinus comatus in Latin, Coprin chevelu in French and Hairy Coprin in English (Fig. 220). It is not recommended to confuse this mushroom with another similar one — Coprinus atramentarius — a mortally poisonous mushroom!







Royal mushroom or Black champignon – Agaricus Black


Royal mushroom or Black champignon – Agaricus Black


Royal mushroom or Black champignon – Agaricus Black


Royal mushroom or Black champignon – Agaricus Black


Champignons – Agaricus Bisporus


Amanita Strobiliformis


Hairy Coprin  – Coprinus comatus


Another inhabitant of the Japanese islands — Asparagus mushrooom — “decided” to apply for a residential permit in our domain (Fig. 221). It has some peculiarities which any gourmet must know before eating it. In Japan this mushroom is highly appreciated for its taste, but ... the edible part of this mushroom is its stem which is very delicious, whereas its cap is ... highly poisonous! This mushroom looks like an alien from other planet — it has such an unusual appearance (Fig. 222)! It is also of interest that these mushrooms appeared in November when there were frosts not only at night, but often during the day-time, especially in the second half of November (Fig. 223). Despite the toxicity of its cap, mushroom-buffs can console themselves with its edible and delicious stem which is long and succulent! So, we can ignore the little poisonous “hat” of this mushroom, except for those cases when the latter is found on our plate (Fig. 224).

There is another mushroom which got a residents permit in our domain. It has a quite ominous Russian folk name — the Witch’s mushroom or serpent mushroom (Fig. 225). It got such unattractive name because of its peculiar feature: the mushrooms come to the surface so that they form an ideal circle and this fact evoked such gloomy associations in people. Actually, its Latin name is Boletus Luridus and it is an edible mushroom and can be very delicious, if exposed to thorough heat treatment for it is poisonous when eaten raw.

It is really amazing that already disappeared mushrooms revived under the action of the dark matter generator and also mushrooms of quite different climatic areas began to grow in our domain. Moreover, mushrooms which never grew in the Royal valley appeared and in such a season when nobody expected to see them, and at such temperatures as they have never appeared, and in such quantities…, etc. Their size, the amount, several harvests in one season and their growth in incompatible conditions and a lot of other no less staggering phenomena takes one’s breath away.

The next hero of the mushroom “revolution” is the Oyster mushroom or Pleurotus Ostreatus, in Latin: again, the normal environmental conditions for this mushroom are living or dead wood. However, this happens in the rest of the world, but in our domain this mushroom grows in glades among grass and flowers and on pure limestone (Fig. 226)! This is not an accidental “mad” mushroom or a wrong identification of its variety. There is no error: these are Oyster mushrooms (Fig. 227 and Fig. 228)! In the last photo a mushroom almost exactly repeats the form of a shellfish which somehow appeared in the grass in the glade! Indeed, the whims of nature sometimes are very surprising: a mushroom repeats the form of a marine creature! In only one place did the Oyster mushrooms occupy their usual “compartments” and tightly surround a stump so that the latter could not “escape” (Fig. 229). Yet, it is another variety of oyster mushroom which is clear when we compare form, colour of caps etc.

Asparagus mushrooom


Asparagus mushrooom


Asparagus mushrooom


Asparagus mushrooom


Witch’s mushroom or serpent mushroom – Boletus Luridus


Oyster mushroom – Pleurotus Ostreatus


Oyster mushroom – Pleurotus Ostreatus


Oyster mushroom – Pleurotus Ostreatus


Oyster mushroom – Pleurotus Ostreatus


Orange-cap Boletus – Xerocomtus badius


Also Orange-cap Boletuses or Bolet Bai or Xerocomtus badius, in Latin, appeared in our domain (Fig. 230 and Fig. 231). The Pepper mushroom, the inhabitant of coniferous forests, forced its way through the grass. Its Latin name is Chalciporus piperarus, from the family Boletaceae. This forest mushroom grows perfectly in a glade (Fig. 232). It reported to its “colleague” which began to develop the new space for life immediately (Fig. 233). Near them we found Boletus luridus, a mushroom from the type Boletus of the family Boletaceae. This robust fellow firmly stands on its stipe (Fig. 234). The Bay bolete or Xerocomus badius joined “the club” (Fig. 235) together with an enormous white Brown Cap Boletus or Leccinum holopus (Fig. 236 and Fig. 237). A Boletus Luteus or Suillus luteus, better known in France as Bolet jaune made itself comfortable near them (Fig. 238).

The White mushroom or Boletus edulis, another famous representative of the type Boletus, was one of the first mushrooms which got “acclimatized” in our domain. This king of the autumn forest was mentioned “The Source of life–1” and “The Source of life–5”. In 2008 the first White mushrooms appeared as early as the middle of June, which is very unusual (Fig. 239)! The king of the autumn forest appeared again in August: it obviously decided to become the king of the summer forest too (Fig. 240). Probably, because the chanterelles insistently “ousted” it from its status as king of the autumn forest...

Orange-cap Boletus – Xerocomtus badius


Pepper mushroom – Chalciporus piperarus


Pepper mushroom – Chalciporus piperarus


Boletus luridus


Xerocomus badius


Brown Cap Boletus – Leccinum holopus


Suillus luteus


White mushroom – Boletus edulis


White mushroom – Boletus edulis


White mushroom – Boletus edulis


However, they are not ordinary chanterelles (Cantharellus tubiformis), but chanterelles of our domain (Fig. 241), which developed new, for them, spaces pretty well. The size of our chanterelles is indeed that of king’s and there is a fight for “the riband” among them. Several chanterelle-applicants decided to contest the king's title from the White mushroom.

Another chanterelle — Cantharellus cibarius — does not yield in anything to the rival (Fig. 242). Each chanterelle-applicant “came” with its own retinue appropriate to “royal personages” (Fig. 243) and each is enormous (Fig. 244)! Compare the size of a chanterelle with the maple leaves to understand that it is not a matter of close-up photography! You can get a detailed description about the size of maple leaves in “The Source of life–1”. Those, who for whatever reason do not want to do it, can look at the photo and be sure that nobody is trying to mislead anybody (Fig. 245).

Chanterelles’s size was not the only thing that staggered us this year. A mushroom which also cannot be found in reference books appeared in our domain totally unexpectedly. It is impossible to find this mushroom in reference books for one simple reason — it disappeared from the glades of the Royal valley a long time ago and there is also Chanterelle (Canthauulas) with very unusual colouring. Its caps are brown-red, of very unusual form and ... enormous size (Fig. 246 and Fig. 247). There were even two varieties of this chanterelle which returned from the past. The second subspecies of extinct and revived brown-red chanterelles differs by its round caps (Fig. 248 and Fig. 249).

The extinct Black armillaria appeared in our domain (Fig. 250).

Cantharellus tubiformis


Cantharellus tubiformis


Cantharellus tubiformis


Cantharellus tubiformis


Cantharellus tubiformis










Black armillaria


Again, Armillarias grow on living or dead wood, but our Armillarias feel at home in grassy glades growing on pure limestone. Could it be that the “resusitated” Black armillaria was confused after a long hibernation? Not at all — other Armillarias which have never vanished from the face of the earth and could not be confused, nevertheless, grow in the same glades; for example, Armillaria mellea (Fig. 251). At the same time the size of our Armillarias is considerably bigger that that of their “colleagues” outside our estate. The Winter Armillaria or Flammmulina velutipes also participated in the mushroom “revolution”. It grows on stumps and the trunks of leafy trees everywhere, but in our domain — in glades and pure limestone (Fig. 252 and Fig. 253).

The only Armillaria which did not change its living conditions was the Meadow Armillaria or Marasmius oreades (Fig. 254). The Summer Armillaria or Kuehneromyces mutabilis also joined the company (Fig. 255). It cannot boast about its size, as well as the Meadow Armillaria, but unlike the latter, it developed new, to it, vital spaces — glades! It already is not necessary for this one to ruin living trees or dwell on already dead trees or stumps, as its colleagues do.

So, within the limits of our domain all Armillarias developed glades and grow perfectly in limestone. This is possible only under the active influence of the psi-field generator which created such ability in mushrooms (and not only in them). There is one more interesting fact: all Armillarias appeared in glades almost simultaneously, as if there are not natural seasons, about which their names speak plainly. All seasons and climatic zones are mixed up within the bounds of our domain. Within the limits of our domain plants from far away warm countries feel themselves quite at home, paying no attention to the biting frosts, suffocating heat, incessant rains and winds which blow in one direction for months. The psi-field generator makes the impossible possible: even that which was not supposed in fairy-tales and which science-fiction writers could not imagine...

But before I put the final full stop on this article, I would like to add some interesting facts which have just come in at the moment of completion of this article. So, the “wonders” are not over despite frost, rain and other “charming weather” which would be more appropriate for Russia than France, especially the Royal valley. The strawberries continue to flower, as if nothing happened, although it is November 25! New flowers blossom out on small strawberry plants among succulent and green leaves (Fig. 256). There is a young ovary next to the new flowers, but the frost did not disappear anywhere and there is no hint of a thaw!

We must wait a little for the new berries to ripen and then we can talk about the strawberries' almost annual continuous flowering and fruiting.

Passiflora Sayonara keeps pace with the strawberries. The ovaries from the beginning of November turned into mature fruits of both brown-violet (Fig. 257) and crimson colour (Fig. 258) which ripened at the same time. Although they are smaller than their senior “comrades”, nevertheless, they are almost twice as big as their “colleagues” which grow outside our domain. Not to mention the fact that there should be no fruits at all at this time of year and the passiflora plants should have died back a couple of months ago. Nothing of the kind happened — these plants continue to flower and bear fruits. Also, there are mature fruits of different colours on one and the same vine (Fig. 259).

It is already November 25 but newer and newer fruits continue to ripen on the vines of Passiflora Sayonara (Fig. 260)...

Armillaria mellea


Winter Armillaria – Flammmulina velutipes


Winter Armillaria – Flammmulina velutipes


Meadow Armillaria – Marasmius oreades


Summer Armillaria – Kuehneromyces mutabilis


The strawberries – Fragaria ananassa


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


Passiflora Sayonara


The temperature expected on November 26 is 12 degrees below zero (Celsius) and ... snow. Here is what is going on in our domain in the active area of the psi-field generator or the generator of dark matter...

Nicolai Levashov, November 26, 2008

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